
the rotated pole definition was requested by me in 2002 (see the thread 
"projections/default cell_methods"). In this thread the present description was 
Please note: the rotated pole grid mapping is NOT a PROJECTION!!!!!  it is a 
TRANSFORMATION!!!! (therefore the GRIB description is misleading). This is 
probably the reason why you did not find it in Proj4.
The a, b, c in the GRIB definition description is fine. Whether  the rotated 
South Pole (grib) or North Pole (CF-Conventions) is used in the definition does 
not matter, the values can be easily converted to each other. 

The rotated pole grid mapping as defined in the CF-Conventions document is 
already used widely as netCDF output standard for regional climate models in 
several international projects. It is also the standard in the IPCC-AR5 CORDEX 
model output for regional climate models. Therefore I am not in favor of 
changing the definition. However, a more precise description in the 
CF-Conventions would certainly be helpful for those not familiar with the 
rotated pole transformation.


Dr. Burkhardt Rockel
Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
Institute of Coastal Research / Group Regional Atmospheric Modeling
Max-Planck-Strasse 1
D-21502 Geesthacht
Phone: +49 4152 87 1803
Fax: +49 4152 87 4 1803
Email: Burkhardt.Rockel (at)
coordinates: 53.40579 N, 10.428647 E

Am 06.03.2013 um 17:09 schrieb John Caron <>:

> Hi Heiko:
> So
> grid_north_pole_longitude = 
> normalizeLongitude180(longitudeOfSouthernPoleInDegrees)
> grid_north_pole_latitude = -1 * longitudeOfSouthernPoleInDegrees
> ?
> where does one find documentation on proj4's ob_tran routine?
> thanks,
> John
> On 3/6/2013 8:03 AM, Heiko Klein wrote:
>> Hi John,
>> all our models use rotated_latitute_longitude. And we have a consistent way 
>> of translating it between grib, proj and netcdf-java, i.e. publicly 
>> available at:
>> grid_mapping_name: rotated_latitude_longitude
>> grid_north_pole_longitude: 156.0
>> grid_north_pole_latitude: 23.5
>> earth_radius: 6367470.0
>> to proj:
>> proj4: +proj=ob_tran +o_proj=longlat +lon_0=-24 +o_lat_p=23.5 +a=6367470.0 
>> +no_defs
>> from grib:
>> lonRot = longitudeOfSouthernPoleInDegrees
>> latRot = latitudeOfSouthernPoleInDegrees
>> +proj=ob_tran +o_proj=longlat +lon_0=" << normalizeLongitude180(lonRot) << " 
>> +o_lat_p=" << (-1 * latRot);
>> This is the set of parameters which have been useful. I'm not sure if they 
>> are named in a useful way. proj4's ob_tran even allows for a o_lon_p 
>> parameter, but this doesn't seem to be used by grib or CF.
>> Best regards,
>> Heiko
>> On 2013-03-06 15:18, John Caron wrote:
>>> The "Rotated Pole" projection here:
>>>    Rotated pole
>>> grid_mapping_name = rotated_latitude_longitude
>>> Map parameters:
>>>      *
>>>        grid_north_pole_latitude
>>>      *
>>>        grid_north_pole_longitude
>>>      *
>>>        north_pole_grid_longitude - This parameter is option (default is 0).
>>> Map coordinates:
>>>    The rotated latitude and longitude coordinates are identified by
>>>    the standard_name attribute values
>>>    grid_latitude and grid_longitude respectively.
>>> is problematic. It has no reference to Proj.4, and is not in Snyder.
>>> Its likely the same as the GRIB-2 GDS Template 3.1:
>>> Grid Definition Template 3.1:     Rotated Latitude/longitude (or
>>> equidistant cylindrical, or Plate Carrée)
>>> Octet No. Contents
>>>       15-72 Same as Grid Definition Template 3.0 (see Note 1)
>>>       73-76 Latitude of the southern pole of projection
>>> 77-80                             Longitude of the southern pole of
>>> projection
>>>       81-84 Angle of rotation of projection
>>>       85-nn                            List of number of points along
>>> each meridian or parallel (These octets are only present for
>>> quasi-regular grids as described in Note 3)
>>> Notes:
>>> (2)         Three parameters define a general latitude/longitude
>>> coordinate system, formed by a general rotation of the sphere. One
>>> choice for these parameters is:
>>> (a)         The geographic latitude in degrees of the southern pole of
>>> the coordinate system, θp for example.
>>> (b)         The geographic longitude in degrees of the southern pole of
>>> the coordinate system, λp for example.
>>> (c)         The angle of rotation in degrees about the new polar axis
>>> (measured clockwise when looking from the southern to the northern pole)
>>> of the coordinate system, assuming the new axis to have been obtained by
>>> first rotating the sphere through λp degrees about the geographic polar
>>> axis, and then rotating through (90 + θp) degrees so that the southern
>>> pole moved along the (previously rotated) Greenwich meridian.
>>> Except note that GRIB-2 uses "southern pole of projection". Not sure how
>>> that affects the algorithm.
>>> The CF parameter "north_pole_grid_longitude" likely should be "Angle of
>>> rotation".
>>> Anyone using this or have some insight on it ??
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