Hi John,

grid_north_pole_latitude = -1 * longitudeOfSouthernPoleInDegrees
is ok

The normalize function is just used because grib is 0-360, while proj is -180 to 180. But you need to flip longitude when going from north to south:

grid_north_pole_longitude = norm180(longitudeOfSouthernPoleInDegrees + 180)

It's documented in the proj documentation ftp://ftp.remotesensing.org/proj/proj.4.3.I2.pdf Chapter 4 on page 19.


On 2013-03-06 17:09, John Caron wrote:
Hi Heiko:


grid_north_pole_longitude =
grid_north_pole_latitude = -1 * longitudeOfSouthernPoleInDegrees


where does one find documentation on proj4's ob_tran routine?


On 3/6/2013 8:03 AM, Heiko Klein wrote:
Hi John,

all our models use rotated_latitute_longitude. And we have a
consistent way of translating it between grib, proj and netcdf-java,
i.e. publicly available at:

grid_mapping_name: rotated_latitude_longitude
grid_north_pole_longitude: 156.0
grid_north_pole_latitude: 23.5
earth_radius: 6367470.0

to proj:
proj4: +proj=ob_tran +o_proj=longlat +lon_0=-24 +o_lat_p=23.5
+a=6367470.0 +no_defs

from grib:
lonRot = longitudeOfSouthernPoleInDegrees
latRot = latitudeOfSouthernPoleInDegrees

+proj=ob_tran +o_proj=longlat +lon_0=" <<
normalizeLongitude180(lonRot) << " +o_lat_p=" << (-1 * latRot);

This is the set of parameters which have been useful. I'm not sure if
they are named in a useful way. proj4's ob_tran even allows for a
o_lon_p parameter, but this doesn't seem to be used by grib or CF.

Best regards,


On 2013-03-06 15:18, John Caron wrote:
The "Rotated Pole" projection here:


    Rotated pole

grid_mapping_name = rotated_latitude_longitude

Map parameters:






        north_pole_grid_longitude - This parameter is option (default
is 0).

Map coordinates:

    The rotated latitude and longitude coordinates are identified by
    the standard_name attribute values
    grid_latitude and grid_longitude respectively.

is problematic. It has no reference to Proj.4, and is not in Snyder.

Its likely the same as the GRIB-2 GDS Template 3.1:

Grid Definition Template 3.1:     Rotated Latitude/longitude (or
equidistant cylindrical, or Plate Carrée)

Octet No. Contents

       15-72 Same as Grid Definition Template 3.0 (see Note 1)

       73-76 Latitude of the southern pole of projection

77-80                             Longitude of the southern pole of

       81-84 Angle of rotation of projection

       85-nn                            List of number of points along
each meridian or parallel (These octets are only present for
quasi-regular grids as described in Note 3)


(2)         Three parameters define a general latitude/longitude
coordinate system, formed by a general rotation of the sphere. One
choice for these parameters is:

(a)         The geographic latitude in degrees of the southern pole of
the coordinate system, θp for example.

(b)         The geographic longitude in degrees of the southern pole of
the coordinate system, λp for example.

(c)         The angle of rotation in degrees about the new polar axis
(measured clockwise when looking from the southern to the northern pole)
of the coordinate system, assuming the new axis to have been obtained by
first rotating the sphere through λp degrees about the geographic polar
axis, and then rotating through (90 + θp) degrees so that the southern
pole moved along the (previously rotated) Greenwich meridian.

Except note that GRIB-2 uses "southern pole of projection". Not sure how
that affects the algorithm.

The CF parameter "north_pole_grid_longitude" likely should be "Angle of

Anyone using this or have some insight on it ??

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