
There are a number of these standard names. It's easier to find them using the Standard Name Browser http://mmisw.org/cfsn/#/
where you can put 'coordinate' in as a search term in the definition field.

One example is atmosphere_convective_available_potential_energy <http://mmisw.org/cfsn/#/atmosphere_convective_available_potential_energy> where there is a coordinate variable specified with a standard name of original_air_pressure_of_lifted_parcel. Another example is downwelling_longwave_radiance_in_air <http://mmisw.org/cfsn/#/downwelling_longwave_radiance_in_air> which requires a coordinate with a standard name of 'zenith_angle'. I didn't find any examples of implied default values, other than the implied integration over all wavelengths vs specification of a wavelength coordinate as in surface_longwave_emissivity <http://mmisw.org/cfsn/#/surface_longwave_emissivity>.

Grace and peace,


On 5/20/15 9:17 AM, Jonathan Gregory wrote:
Dear Odele

Just to clarify, are you asking only the members of the CF working group
for their view on whether a change from flux to flux_density should be
made in the standard names?
The question is for everyone on the CF email list.

Also, could you provide an example where a standard name has a reference
parameter that has a default than can be overridden by specifying a value?
I?d just like to see it in ?action?, so I can best understand what is
being described.
Maybe I am wrong that we have done exactly this, because I can't find one by
searching the help text of standard names, although I haven't spent long on it.
However, angstrom_exponent_of_ambient_aerosol_in_air is an example of a
quantity where scalar coordinates can optionally be provided to specify
the quantity more precisely (relative_humity and air_temperature) and
sound_pressure_level_in_air is a quantity whose definition contains a numerical
reference value.

I'm assuming that solar irradiance is a quantity which usually refers to 1 AU
in practice, is it? If in fact it's used just as often for other distances
from the sun, then it would be better not to have a default, and to require
the distance from the sun to be specified as a coordinate variable, like
number_of_days_with_air_temperature_above_threshold, for instance. If 1 AU is
the usual distance, but not the only possibility, then having a default with
the possibility of overriding it is neater, I think.

Best wishes


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