Dear All,

Here are a final 12 standard names required for the PMIP data request (in 
addition to names associated with isotopes and carbon and nitrogen cycles which 
were submitted recently).

  1.  Misc

(1.1) mrtws Terrestrial Water Storage [kg m-2]

There is a “surface_water_amount” name, which is defined as the water at the 
lower boundary of the atmosphere, excluding canopy and vegetation -- this could 
correspond to the water in rivers, wetlands, lakes, snow and reservoirs listed 
in the definition below. There is also “mass_content_of_water_in_soil”. The 
phrase “water_amount” appears to be the most common usage in the standard name 
table for expressing a mass per unit area.



“This quantity is often known as Terrestrial Water Storage.. It includes 
surface water (water in rivers, wetlands, lakes, snow, vegetation and 
reservoirs) and subsurface water (soil moisture, groundwater)”

(1.2) Flashrate Lightning flash rate [km-2 s-1]

cf. number_of_icebergs_per_unit_area; number_of_observations

There are no standard names for frequency of events, but we can adapt the 
“number_of_” construction.

Proposed name:


A lightning flash is a compound event, usually consists of several discharges.

2. Wetland parameters


(2.1) wetlandCH4 Grid averaged methane emissions from wetlands  [kg m-2 s-1]

 is recently approved. In other existing names we have “biological_processes” 
to cover production and consumption. The CF area type table now includes the 
area type "wetland". This term is intended to be the sum of the production term 
described by

 and a consumption term 


The emission from biological processes is the net emission resulting from 
combined production and consumption.

3. Stratospheric optical depths

Following existing name stratosphere_mole_content_of_nitrogen_dioxide and 
and atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_sulfate_ambient_aerosol_particles

(3.1) od550aerso Stratospheric Optical depth at 550 nm (all aerosols) 2D-field 
(here we limit the computation of OD to the stratosphere only) [1]


With radiation_wavelength set to 550nm

(3.2) od550so4so Stratospheric Optical depth at 550 nm (sulphate only) 2D-field 
(here we limit the computation of OD to the stratosphere only) [1]


With radiation_wavelength set to 550nm

4. Dust

Based on 

(4.1) depdust Total Deposition Rate of Dust [kg m-2 s-1]


It might make more sense to ask for mass flux of dry aerosols here.

(4.2) sedustCI Sedimentation Flux of dust mode coarse insoluble [kg m-2 s-1]

The adjective "coarse" has been left out of the standard name because it 
appears to be implicit in the term "dust".


(4.3) lwsrfasdust All-sky Surface Longwave radiative flux due to Dust

surface_net_downward_longwave_flux_due_to_dust_ambient_aerosol [W m-2]

(4.4) lwsrfcsdust Clear-sky Surface Longwave radiative flux due to Dust

 [W m-2]

(4.5) lwtoacsdust Clear Sky Longwave Radiative Forcing due to Dust at TOA

[W m-2]

(4.6) swsrfasdust All-sky Surface Shortwave radiative flux due to Dust

As (4.3), but for shortwave.

(4.7) swsrfcsdust Clear-sky Surface Shortwave radiative flux due to Dust

As (4.4), but for shortwave



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