Dear Martin,

Thanks for your replies about these names. It looks like we are agreed on a 
couple more...

1.2 frequency_of_lightning_flashes_per_unit_area (m-2 s-1)
'A lightning flash is a compound event, usually consisting of several 
discharges. Frequency is the number of oscillations of a wave, or the number of 
occurrences of an event, per unit time.'

This name is accepted for publication and will be added in the next update.

 (kg m-2 s-1)
' "Upward" indicates a vector component which is positive when directed upward 
(negative downward). A net upward flux is the difference between the flux from 
below (upward) and the flux from above (downward). In accordance with common 
usage in geophysical disciplines, "flux" implies per unit area, called "flux 
density" in physics. The chemical formula for methane is CH4. Methane is a 
member of the group of hydrocarbons known as alkanes. There are standard names 
for the alkane group as well as for some of the individual species. The 
specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that 
the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose 
the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Emission" means emission 
from a primary source located anywhere within the atmosphere, including at the 
lower boundary (i.e. the surface of the earth). "Emission" is a process 
entirely distinct from "re-emission" which is used in some standard names. W
  etlands are areas where water covers the soil, or is present either at or 
near the surface of the soil all year or for varying periods of time during the 
year, including during the growing season. The precise conditions under which 
wetlands produce and consume methane can vary between models. The quantity with 
standard name 
 is the difference between the upward and downward surface fluxes of methane 
which have standard names 

This name is accepted for publication and will be added in the next update.

4.1 If this one is indeed a dry aerosol name then it should be 
 (kg m-2 s-1)
'The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. 
"Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a 
quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the 
atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, 
standard names including "content_of_atmosphere_layer" are used. The mass is 
the total mass of the particles. "Aerosol" means the system of suspended liquid 
or solid particles in air (except cloud droplets) and their carrier gas, the 
air itself. Aerosol particles take up ambient water (a process known as 
hygroscopic growth) depending on the relative humidity and the composition of 
the particles. "Dry aerosol particles" means aerosol particles without any 
water uptake. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" 
process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which 
together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. 
"Deposition" is th
 e sum of wet and dry deposition.'


 (kg m-2 s-1)
'The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to time. 
"Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of a 
quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the 
atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, 
standard names including "content_of_atmosphere_layer" are used. "Aerosol" 
means the system of suspended liquid or solid particles in air (except cloud 
droplets) and their carrier gas, the air itself. Aerosol particles take up 
ambient water (a process known as hygroscopic growth) depending on the relative 
humidity and the composition of the particles. "Dry aerosol particles" means 
aerosol particles without any water uptake. The specification of a physical 
process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a 
single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named 
by omitting the phrase. "Deposition" is the sum of wet and dry deposition.'

We don't currently have a definition of 'insoluble'. I assume this means 
insoluble in water? Is there a list of particular chemical species that are 
included in this quantity?

This name is still under discussion.

I will comment separately on the radiative names 4.3 - 4.7.

Best wishes,

Alison Pamment                                 Tel: +44 1235 778065
NCAS/Centre for Environmental Data Archival    Email:
STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory     
R25, 2.22
Harwell Oxford, Didcot, OX11 0QX, U.K.

From: Juckes, Martin (STFC,RAL,RALSP) 
Sent: 17 May 2018 10:55
To: Pamment, Alison (STFC,RAL,RALSP) <>;;
Cc: Jean-Yves Peterschmitt <>
Subject: Re: PMIP: standard names for the CMIP6 data request: tws, lighning 
flashes, wetland emissions, etc

Dear Alison,

Thanks .. some answers and comments below. I've copied Yves Balkanski in to 
comment on the dust deposition parameters (4.1-4.2) [Yves, this discussion is 
trying clarify the definition of parameters depdust anf sedustCI, and to define 
appropriate standard names for these variables].

1.1 I'm waiting for some feedback from LS3MIP to clarify intention regarding 
land ice;

1.2 Thanks, frequency_of_lightning_flashes_per_unit_area (m-2 s-1) and propsoed 
definition are good;

 (kg m-2 s-1) and proposed definition are good;

3 Stratospheric depths: thanks.

4.1-4.2 Dust deposition
I've checked the initial request from PMIP and it now looks clear to me that 
the dry aerosol mass flux is wanted for these variables. I've copied Yves 
Balkanski in to this discussion, as he specified these parameters for PMIP and 
may wish to comment. For mass budgets of aerosol amounts it makes more sense to 
deal with dry aerosol fluxes, rather than ambient mass which depends on local 
conditions. The definition of "dry aerosol" is, I believe, intended to refer to 
aerosol propoerties applied to aerosol particles which have been dehydrated, 
either physically or conceptually, in order to make the required measurement, 
not to aerosols which are naturally free of moisture in the atmosphere. I 
accept your other suggestions, hence
 (kg m-2 s-1) [depdust]
 (kg m-2 s-1) [sedustCI]
4.3-4.7 Perturbed radiation calculations
As I understand it, terms or the form radiative flux due to X refer to the 
result of a perturbed radiation calculation, with other factors, such as 
atmospheric and surface temperature and reflectivity held constant. Hence, the 
upwelling longwave flux will be unchanged, as you suggest, but not the 
upwelling shortwave flux: the upwelling flux will change when the downwelling 
flux is modified by changing the radiation calculation. There is a slight 
problem with the approach here, in that the "due_to_X" construction is intended 
to be used to distinguish contributions from different processes "X", but 
"ambient_aerosol" is not strictly a process: the process is ambient aerosol 
contributions to the radiative transfer calculations. In proposing these names 
I stayed with the compact form, which has been used previously, rather than 
trying to expand to indicate the process itself explicitly in the standard 
name. The questions raised here make me wonder whether we should be more 
expansive. In t
 he scientific literature the terms "direct effect" and "indirect effect" are 
now well established, with "direct effect" referring to the impact of aerosol 
on the radiative transfer calculation through scattering and absorbtion. The 
indirect effect refers to other changes caused by aerosol through processes 
such as cloud seeding. Hence, I suggest sticking with the "net_downward" 
formulation (it is required for shortwave, and using the same approach for 
longwave looks neater to me), and appending "direct_effect":
(W m-2)
 (W m-2)
(W m-2)
 (W m-2)

From: Pamment, Alison (STFC,RAL,RALSP)
Sent: 14 May 2018 16:21
To: Pamment, Alison (STFC,RAL,RALSP); Juckes, Martin (STFC,RAL,RALSP);
Cc: Jean-Yves Peterschmitt
Subject: RE: PMIP: standard names for the CMIP6 data request: tws, lighning 
flashes, wetland emissions, etc 
Dear Martin and Jonathan,

While going through the VolMIP names I realised I had made a mistake in some of 
my suggestions for this group of PMIP names. I suggested 4.3, 4.4, 4.6 and 4.7 
should not be surface_net_downward_fluxes but simply surface_downward ones. If 
we agree on this approach they should actually say downwelling, not downward, 
so they would be
4.3 surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air_due_to_ambient_aerosol (W m-2)
 (W m-2)
4.6 surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air_due_to_ambient_aerosol (W m-2)
 (W m-2)
and the definitions would need to be adjusted accordingly.

Best wishes,

Alison Pamment Tel: +44 1235 778065
NCAS/Centre for Environmental Data Archival Email:
STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory 
R25, 2.22
Harwell Oxford, Didcot, OX11 0QX, U.K.

-----Original Message-----
From: CF-metadata On Behalf Of Alison Pamment - UKRI STFC
Sent: 14 May 2018 08:47
To: Juckes, Martin (STFC,RAL,RALSP) ;
Cc: Jean-Yves Peterschmitt 
Subject: Re: [CF-metadata] PMIP: standard names for the CMIP6 data request: 
tws, lighning flashes, wetland emissions, etc

Dear Martin and Jonathan,

Thank you for proposing this set of names and for the comments received so far. 
The proposals look good - I have accepted a couple that seem straight forward 
and I think we can agree the rest quite quickly. Please have a look through my 
comments on the individual names and let me know what you think.

> (1.1) CMIP6 short name mrtws. Terrestrial Water Storage 
> land_based_water_amount (kg m-2) 'The quantity with standard name 
> land_based_water_amount, often known as "Terrestrial Water Storage", 
> includes surface water (water in rivers, wetlands, lakes, snow, vegetation 
> and reservoirs) and subsurface water (soil moisture, groundwater).'

Jonathan has suggested land_water_amount for consistency with land_ice names. I 
agree this is a good idea, especially if the term "land water" is already in 
general use. Regarding the definition, it seems we should also include at least 
some elements of land_ice within land_water, but there is a question as to 
whether this would also include floating ice shelves and/or ice sheets.

This name is still under discussion.

> (1.2) CMIP6 short name Flashrate. Lightning flash rate cf. 
> number_of_icebergs_per_unit_area; number_of_observations There are no 
> standard names for frequency of events, but we can adapt the "number_of_" 
> construction.
> Proposed name:
> frequency_of_lightning_flash_per_unit_area (km-2 s-1) 'A lightning 
> flash is a compound event, usually consists of several discharges.'

Jonathan has suggested, and Martin has agreed to, 
frequency_of_lightning_flashes_per_unit_area. I agree that name looks fine. I 
think the canonical units should probably by m-2 s-1, and I've added a sentence 
about frequency to the definition:

frequency_of_lightning_flashes_per_unit_area (m-2 s-1) 'A lightning flash is a 
compound event, usually consisting of several discharges. Frequency is the 
number of oscillations of a wave, or the number of occurrences of an event, per 
unit time.'

Is this okay? This name is still under discussion.

2. Wetland parameters

> (2.1) wetlandCH4 Grid averaged methane emissions from wetlands 
> surface_upward_mass_flux_of_methane_due_to_emission_from_wetland_biolo
> gical_production is recently approved. In other existing names we have 
> "biological_processes" to cover production and consumption. The CF 
> area type table now includes the area type "wetland". This term is 
> intended to be the sum of the production term described by 
> surface_upward_mass_flux_of_methane_due_to_emission_from_wetland_biological_production
>  and a consumption term 
> (surface_downward_mass_flux_of_methane_due_to_emission_from_wetland_biological_consumption).

> Proposed name: 
> surface_upward_mass_flux_of_methane_due_to_emission_from_wetland_biolo
> gical_processes (kg m-2 s-1) 'The emission from biological processes is the 
> net emission resulting from combined production and consumption.'

Usually for a net flux, we say that in the name, so this one should be:
 (kg m-2 s-1) ' "Upward" indicates a vector component which is positive when 
directed upward (negative downward). A net upward flux is the difference 
between the flux from below (upward) and the flux from above (downward). In 
accordance with common usage in geophysical disciplines, "flux" implies per 
unit area, called "flux density" in physics. The chemical formula for methane 
is CH4. Methane is a member of the group of hydrocarbons known as alkanes. 
There are standard names for the alkane group as well as for some of the 
individual species. The specification of a physical process by the phrase 
"due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of 
terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. 
"Emission" means emission from a primary source located anywhere within the 
atmosphere, including at the lower boundary (i.e. the surface of the earth
 ). "Emission" is a process entirely distinct from "re-emission" which is used 
in some standard names. W etlands are areas where water covers the soil, or is 
present either at or near the surface of the soil all year or for varying 
periods of time during the year, including during the growing season. The 
precise conditions under which wetlands produce and consume methane can vary 
between models. The quantity with standard name 
 is the difference between the upward and downward surface fluxes of methane 
which have standard names 

I have adapted the sentence we usually use to describe net radiation to 
describe fluxes instead. We have existing standard names for both the 
production and consumption terms so I have added cross-references to those. The 
rest of the definition was constructed from existing text.

Is this okay? This name is still under discussion.

3. Stratospheric optical depths

> Following existing name stratosphere_mole_content_of_nitrogen_dioxide 
> and 
> atmosphere_absorption_optical_thickness_due_to_dust_ambient_aerosol_pa
> rticles and 
> atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_sulfate_ambient_aerosol_particles
> (3.1) CMIP6 short name: od550aerso Stratospheric Optical depth at 550 
> nm (all aerosols) 2D-field (here we limit the computation of OD to the 
> stratosphere only)
> Proposed name:
> stratosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol_particles (1)
'The optical thickness is the integral along the path of radiation of a volume 
scattering/absorption/attenuation coefficient. The radiative flux is reduced by 
a factor exp(-"optical_thickness") on traversing the path. A coordinate 
variable of radiation_wavelength or radiation_frequency can be specified to 
indicate that the optical thickness applies at specific wavelengths or 
frequencies. The stratosphere optical thickness applies to radiation passing 
through the atmosphere layer between the tropopause and stratopause. The 
specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that 
the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose 
the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Aerosol" means the system 
of suspended liquid or solid particles in air (except cloud droplets) and their 
carrier gas, the air itself. "Ambient_aerosol" means that the aerosol is 
measured or modelled at the ambient state of pressure, temperature and relative 
  idity that exists in its immediate environment. "Ambient aerosol particles" 
are aerosol particles that have taken up ambient water through hygroscopic 
growth. The extent of hygroscopic growth depends on the relative humidity and 
the composition of the particles. To specify the relative humidity and 
temperature at which the quantity described by the standard name applies, 
provide scalar coordinate variables with standard names of "relative_humidity" 
and "air_temperature".'

The name and units look fine and I have constructed the definition from 
existing text. This name is accepted for publication in the standard name table 
and will be added in the May update.

> (3.2) CMIP6 short name od550so4so. Stratospheric Optical depth at 550 
> nm (sulphate only) 2D-field (here we limit the computation of OD to 
> the stratosphere only)
> Proposed name:
> stratosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_sulfate_ambient_aerosol_particle
> s (1)
'The optical thickness is the integral along the path of radiation of a volume 
scattering/absorption/attenuation coefficient. The radiative flux is reduced by 
a factor exp(-"optical_thickness") on traversing the path. A coordinate 
variable of radiation_wavelength or radiation_frequency can be specified to 
indicate that the optical thickness applies at specific wavelengths or 
frequencies. The stratosphere optical thickness applies to radiation passing 
through the atmosphere layer between the tropopause and stratopause. The 
specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that 
the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose 
the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Aerosol" means the system 
of suspended liquid or solid particles in air (except cloud droplets) and their 
carrier gas, the air itself. "Ambient_aerosol" means that the aerosol is 
measured or modelled at the ambient state of pressure, temperature and relative 
  idity that exists in its immediate environment. "Ambient aerosol particles" 
are aerosol particles that have taken up ambient water through hygroscopic 
growth. The extent of hygroscopic growth depends on the relative humidity and 
the composition of the particles. To specify the relative humidity and 
temperature at which the quantity described by the standard name applies, 
provide scalar coordinate variables with standard names of "relative_humidity" 
and "air_temperature".'

The name and units look fine and I have constructed the definition from 
existing text. This name is accepted for publication in the standard name table 
and will be added in the May update.

4. Dust

>Based on 
> (4.1) CMIP6 short name depdust. Total Deposition Rate of Dust
> Proposed name:
> surface_downward_mass_flux_of_dust_ambient_aerosol_particles (kg m-2 
> s-1) It might make more sense to ask for mass flux of dry aerosols here.

We have the following existing names:
Dry_deposition is defined as the sum of gravitational_settling and 
turbulent_deposition. The sum of dry_deposition and wet_deposition is just 
'deposition' which we use in some existing nitrogen_compound names. The 
quantity you are proposing looks to me like it should be the sum of all 
deposition terms and for consistency with the existing names it should be 
expressed as a tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content. Putting all this together, 
I think the name should be written as:
 (kg m-2 s-1) 'The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to 
time. "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of 
a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the 
atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, 
standard names including "content_of_atmosphere_layer" are used. The mass is 
the total mass of the particles. "Aerosol" means the system of suspended liquid 
or solid particles in air (except cloud droplets) and their carrier gas, the 
air itself. "Ambient_aerosol" means that the aerosol is measured or modelled at 
the ambient state of pressure, temperature and relative humidity that exists in 
its immediate environment. "Ambient aerosol particles" are aerosol particles 
that have taken up ambient water through hygroscopic growth. The extent of 
hygroscopic growth depends on the relative humidity and
  the composition of the particles. To specify the relative humidity and 
temperature at which the quan tity described by the standard name applies, 
provide scalar coordinate variables with standard names of "relative_humidity" 
and "air_temperature". The specification of a physical process by the phrase 
"due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of 
terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. 
"Deposition" is the sum of wet and dry deposition.'

The definition was constructed from existing text.

I note your comment about whether this should be a 'dry' or 'ambient' aerosol 
name - please see my comment on proposal 4.2 which leads me to think this one 
should indeed be 'ambient'.

> (4.2) CMIP6 short name sedustCI. Sedimentation Flux of dust mode 
> coarse insoluble The adjective "coarse" has been left out of the standard 
> name because it appears to be implicit in the term "dust".
> Proposed name:
> surface_downward_mass_flux_of_insoluble_dust_ambient_aerosol_particles 
> (kg m-2 s-1)

The fact that this one says 'insoluble' makes me think this is what we would 
usually call 'dry_aerosol', i.e. it hasn't (or can't) take up water from the 
atmosphere. That would then suggest that proposal 4.1 is referring to ambient 
aerosol because it doesn't say 'insoluble'. Do others agree with that line of 
reasoning? We have existing names for 'coarse_mode' aerosol particles, defined 
as having a diameter greater than 1 micrometre, and 'nucleation_mode' aerosol 
particles, defined as having a diameter of less than 3 micrometres. I am not 
expert enough to advise on whether 'dust' would always be considered 'coarse' 
so I don't know whether it's necessary to include that in the name. Again we 
should write the name as a tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content for consistency 
with existing names. This would lead us to:

 (kg m-2 s-1) 'The phrase "tendency_of_X" means derivative of X with respect to 
time. "Content" indicates a quantity per unit area. The "atmosphere content" of 
a quantity refers to the vertical integral from the surface to the top of the 
atmosphere. For the content between specified levels in the atmosphere, 
standard names including "content_of_atmosphere_layer" are used. "Aerosol" 
means the system of suspended liquid or solid particles in air (except cloud 
droplets) and their carrier gas, the air itself. Aerosol particles take up 
ambient water (a process known as hygroscopic growth) depending on the relative 
humidity and the composition of the particles. "Dry aerosol particles" means 
aerosol particles without any water uptake. The specification of a physical 
process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a 
single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quant
 ity named by omitting the phrase. "Deposition" is the sum of wet and dry 

The definition was constructed from existing text.

Writing the name this way means we then have a pair of names, 4.1 and 4.2, for 
deposition of ambient and dry dust aerosol particles, respectively. Are these 

> (4.3) CMIP6 short name lwsrfasdust. All-sky Surface Longwave radiative 
> flux due to Dust
> Proposed name:
> surface_net_downward_longwave_flux_due_to_dust_ambient_aerosol (W m-2)

If this is a surface flux due to dust, does it make sense to describe it as net 
flux? A net downward flux would be the difference between the downwelling flux 
and the upwelling flux at the surface. I assume that the models don't calculate 
the upwelling flux due solely to dust lying on the ground(!) so I think this 
name should be described simply as a surface_downward flux:
surface_downward_longwave_flux_due_to_ambient_aerosol (W m-2) 'The surface 
called "surface" means the lower boundary of the atmosphere. "Downward" 
indicates a vector component which is positive when directed downward (negative 
upward). The term "longwave" means longwave radiation. In accordance with 
common usage in geophysical disciplines, "flux" implies per unit area, called 
"flux density" in physics. The specification of a physical process by the 
phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a 
sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the 
phrase. "Aerosol" means the system of suspended liquid or solid particles in 
air (except cloud droplets) and their carrier gas, the air itself. 
"Ambient_aerosol" means that the aerosol is measured or modelled at the ambient 
state of pressure, temperature and relative humidity that exists in its 
immediate environment. "Ambient aerosol particles" are aerosol particles that 
have taken up a
 mbient water through hygroscopic growth. The extent of hygrosc opic growth 
depends on the relative humidity and the composition of the particles. To 
specify the relative humidity and temperature at which the quantity described 
by the standard name applies, provide scalar coordinate variables with standard 
names of "relative_humidity" and "air_temperature".'

The definition was constructed from existing text.


> (4.4) CMIP6 short name lwsrfcsdust. Clear-sky Surface Longwave 
> radiative flux due to Dust
> Proposed name:
> surface_net_downward_longwave_flux_due_to_dust_ambient_aerosol_assumin
> g_clear_sky (W m-2)

As for proposal 4.3, I think this one should be a downward, rather than net 
downward, flux:
(W m-2) 'The surface called "surface" means the lower boundary of the 
atmosphere. "Downward" indicates a vector component which is positive when 
directed downward (negative upward). The term "longwave" means longwave 
radiation. In accordance with common usage in geophysical disciplines, "flux" 
implies per unit area, called "flux density" in physics. The specification of a 
physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named 
is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity 
named by omitting the phrase. "Aerosol" means the system of suspended liquid or 
solid particles in air (except cloud droplets) and their carrier gas, the air 
itself."Ambient_aerosol" means that the aerosol is measured or modelled at the 
ambient state of pressure, temperature and relative humidity that exists in its 
immediate environment. "Ambient aerosol particles" are aerosol particl
 es that have taken up ambient water through hygroscopic growth. The extent of 
hygrosco pic growth depends on the relative humidity and the composition of the 
particles. To specify the relative humidity and temperature at which the 
quantity described by the standard name applies, provide scalar coordinate 
variables with standard names of "relative_humidity" and "air_temperature". A 
phrase "assuming_condition" indicates that the named quantity is the value 
which would obtain if all aspects of the system were unaltered except for the 
assumption of the circumstances specified by the condition.'


> (4.5) CMIP6 short name lwtoacsdust. Clear Sky Longwave Radiative 
> Forcing due to Dust at TOA
> Proposed name:
> toa_net_downward_longwave_flux_due_to_dust_ambient_aerosol_assuming_cl
> ear_sky (W m-2)

The CMIP6 description says this one is a radiative forcing, rather than a flux. 
Looking at existing names, I see that we have a three that include the term 
'cloud_radiative_effect', e.g. toa_longwave_cloud_radiative_effect, defined as 
longwave cloud radiative forcing. I suggest we follow the pattern of the 
existing names and write this one as:
toa_longwave_dust_ambient_aerosol_particles_radiative_effect (W m-2) ' "toa" 
means top of atmosphere. The term "longwave" means longwave radiation. Dust 
radiative effect is also commonly known as "dust radiative forcing". It is the 
difference in radiative flux resulting from the presence of dust aerosol 
particles, i.e. it is the difference between 
toa_outgoing_longwave_flux_assuming_clear_sky and toa outgoing longwave flux 
assuming a clear sky (i.e. no clouds) and no dust. "Aerosol" means the system 
of suspended liquid or solid particles in air (except cloud droplets) and their 
carrier gas, the air itself. "Ambient_aerosol" means that the aerosol is 
measured or modelled at the ambient state of pressure, temperature and relative 
humidity that exists in its immediate environment. "Ambient aerosol particles" 
are aerosol particles that have taken up ambient water through hygroscopic 
growth. The extent of hygroscopic growth depends on the relative humidity and 
the composition of the parti
 cles. To specify the relative humidity and temperature at which the q uantity 
described by the standard name applies, provide scalar coordinate variables 
with standard names of "relative_humidity" and "air_temperature". A phrase 
"assuming_condition" indicates that the named quantity is the value which would 
obtain if all aspects of the system were unaltered except for the assumption of 
the circumstances specified by the condition.'

Is this okay?

> (4.6) CMIP6 short name swsrfasdust. All-sky Surface Shortwave 
> radiative flux due to Dust
>As (4.3), but for shortwave.

To be consistent with 4.3, this one would be:
surface_downward_shortwave_flux_due_to_ambient_aerosol (W m-2) 'The surface 
called "surface" means the lower boundary of the atmosphere. "Downward" 
indicates a vector component which is positive when directed downward (negative 
upward). The term "shortwave" means shortwave radiation. In accordance with 
common usage in geophysical disciplines, "flux" implies per unit area, called 
"flux density" in physics. The specification of a physical process by the 
phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named is a single term in a 
sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the 
phrase. "Aerosol" means the system of suspended liquid or solid particles in 
air (except cloud droplets) and their carrier gas, the air itself. 
"Ambient_aerosol" means that the aerosol is measured or modelled at the ambient 
state of pressure, temperature and relative humidity that exists in its 
immediate environment. "Ambient aerosol particles" are aerosol particles that 
have taken u
 p ambient water through hygroscopic growth. The extent of hygro scopic growth 
depends on the relative humidity and the composition of the particles. To 
specify the relative humidity and temperature at which the quantity described 
by the standard name applies, provide scalar coordinate variables with standard 
names of "relative_humidity" and "air_temperature".'


> (4.7) CMIP6 short name swsrfcsdust. Clear-sky Surface Shortwave 
> radiative flux due to Dust
>As (4.4), but for shortwave.

To be consistent with 4.4, this one would be:
(W m-2) ' The surface called "surface" means the lower boundary of the 
atmosphere. "Downward" indicates a vector component which is positive when 
directed downward (negative upward). The term "shortwave" means shortwave 
radiation. In accordance with common usage in geophysical disciplines, "flux" 
implies per unit area, called "flux density" in physics. The specification of a 
physical process by the phrase "due_to_" process means that the quantity named 
is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity 
named by omitting the phrase. "Aerosol" means the system of suspended liquid or 
solid particles in air (except cloud droplets) and their carrier gas, the air 
itself. "Ambient_aerosol" means that the aerosol is measured or modelled at the 
ambient state of pressure, temperature and relative humidity that exists in its 
immediate environment. "Ambient aerosol particles" are aerosol pa
 rticles that have taken up ambient water through hygroscopic growth. The 
extent of hygr oscopic growth depends on the relative humidity and the 
composition of the particles. To specify the relative humidity and temperature 
at which the quantity described by the standard name applies, provide scalar 
coordinate variables with standard names of "relative_humidity" and 
"air_temperature". A phrase "assuming_condition" indicates that the named 
quantity is the value which would obtain if all aspects of the system were 
unaltered except for the assumption of the circumstances specified by the 


Best wishes,

Alison Pamment Tel: +44 1235 778065
NCAS/Centre for Environmental Data Archival Email:
STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory 
R25, 2.22
Harwell Oxford, Didcot, OX11 0QX, U.K.

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