Perhaps one should refer to the discipline of hydrostatics for help with
this?  This paper, pulled from a quick search, has a diagram referencing
the platforms' frame of reference with respect to its center of
gravity.  Sorry if this comment is retrograde.


On 8/29/18 10:09, Ethan Davis wrote:
> Hi Jim, all,
> I'm a bit confused by the "clockwise" and "anticlockwise". You mention
> the orientation of the observer but not the location/orientation of
> the clock. My assumptions (not sure why) for the clock: for roll, the
> observer (who is facing forward) would be facing the clock; for pitch,
> the observer would look right to see the clock; and for yaw, the
> observer would look down to see the clock. That works for your
> definitions of pitch and yaw, but is backwards for roll.
> Does "clockwise" add, in some way, another degree of freedom to the
> definition? Does that degree of freedom need to be nailed down in the
> definitions? Or other terms used instead? I don't have any good
> suggestions other than "positive" and "negative".
> Cheers,
> Ethan
> On Wed, Aug 29, 2018 at 9:03 AM Jim Biard <
> <>> wrote:
>     Hi.
>     I've finally gotten back to this topic! The definitions below call
>     out an attribute named "direction" that is used to specify the
>     direction for positive values of the different quantities. We may
>     need to add a definition for the attribute to the Conventions. The
>     values and meanings for the direction attribute are:
>     roll: "clockwise" for positive right side up and "anticlockwise"
>     for positive right side down.
>     pitch: "clockwise" for positive nose up and "anticlockwise" for
>     positive nose down.
>     yaw: "clockwise" for positive nose right and "anticlockwise" for
>     positive nose left.
>     surge: "positive" for positive forward and "negative" for positive
>     backward.
>     sway: "positive" for positive left and "negative" for positive right.
>     heave: "positive" for positive up and "negative" for positive down.
>     And here are the standard name definitions:
>     platform_roll: Platform is a structure or vehicle that serves as a
>     base for mounting sensors. Platforms include, but are not limited
>     to, satellites, aeroplanes, ships, buoys, ground stations, and
>     masts. Roll is a rotation about an axis (the X axis) that is
>     perpendicular to the local vertical axis (the Z axis) and is
>     coplanar with the nominal forward motion direction of the
>     platform. Roll is relative to the “at rest” rotation of the
>     platform with respect to the X axis. The “at rest” rotation of the
>     platform may change over time. The direction for positive values
>     of roll is specified by an attribute named direction. The value of
>     the direction attribute is "clockwise" if positive values of roll
>     represent the right side of the platform rising as viewed by an
>     observer on top of the platform facing forward. The value of the
>     direction attribute is "anticlockwise" if positive values of roll
>     represent the right side of the platform falling. The
>     directionality of roll values is unspecified if no direction
>     attribute is present.
>     platform_pitch: Platform is a structure or vehicle that serves as
>     a base for mounting sensors. Platforms include, but are not
>     limited to, satellites, aeroplanes, ships, buoys, ground stations,
>     and masts. Pitch is a rotation about an axis (the Y axis) that is
>     perpendicular to both the local vertical axis (the Z axis) and the
>     nominal forward motion direction of the platform. Pitch is
>     relative to the “at rest” rotation of the platform with respect to
>     the Y axis. The “at rest” rotation of the platform may change over
>     time. The direction for positive values of pitch is specified by
>     an attribute named direction. The value of the direction attribute
>     is "clockwise" if positive values of pitch represent the front of
>     the platform rising as viewed by an observer on top of the
>     platform facing forward. The value of the direction attribute is
>     "anticlockwise" if positive values of pitch represent the front of
>     the platform falling. The directionality of pitch values is
>     unspecified if no direction attribute is present.
>     platform_yaw: Platform is a structure or vehicle that serves as a
>     base for mounting sensors. Platforms include, but are not limited
>     to, satellites, aeroplanes, ships, buoys, ground stations, and
>     masts. Yaw is a rotation about the local vertical axis (the Z
>     axis). Yaw is relative to the “at rest” rotation of the platform
>     with respect to the Z axis. The “at rest” rotation of the platform
>     may change over time. The direction for positive values of yaw is
>     specified by an attribute named direction. The value of the
>     direction attribute is "clockwise" if positive values of yaw
>     represent the front of the platform moving to the right as viewed
>     by an observer on top of the platform facing forward. The value of
>     the direction attribute is "anticlockwise" if positive values of
>     yaw represent the front of the platform moving to the left. The
>     directionality of yaw values is unspecified if no direction
>     attribute is present.
>     platform_surge: Platform is a structure or vehicle that serves as
>     a base for mounting sensors. Platforms include, but are not
>     limited to, satellites, aeroplanes, ships, buoys, ground stations,
>     and masts. Surge is a displacement along an axis (the X axis) that
>     is perpendicular to the local vertical axis (the Z axis) and is
>     coplanar with the nominal forward motion direction of the
>     platform. Surge is relative to the “at rest” position of the
>     platform with respect to the X axis. The “at rest” position of the
>     platform may change over time. The direction for positive values
>     of surge is specified by an attribute named direction. The value
>     of the direction attribute is "positive" if positive values of
>     surge represent the platform moving forward as viewed by an
>     observer on top of the platform facing forward. The value of the
>     direction attribute is "negative" if positive values of surge
>     represent the platform moving backward. The directionality of
>     surge values is unspecified if no direction attribute is present.
>     platform_sway: Platform is a structure or vehicle that serves as a
>     base for mounting sensors. Platforms include, but are not limited
>     to, satellites, aeroplanes, ships, buoys, ground stations, and
>     masts. Sway is a displacement along an axis (the Y axis) that is
>     perpendicular to both the local vertical axis (the Z axis) and the
>     nominal forward motion direction of the platform. Sway is relative
>     to the “at rest” position of the platform with respect to the Y
>     axis. The “at rest” position of the platform may change over
>     time.  The direction for positive values of sway is specified by
>     an attribute named direction. The value of the direction attribute
>     is "positive" if positive values of sway represent the platform
>     moving left as viewed by an observer on top of the platform facing
>     forward. The value of the direction attribute is "negative" if
>     positive values of sway represent the platform moving right. The
>     directionality of sway values is unspecified if no direction
>     attribute is present.
>     platform_heave: Platform is a structure or vehicle that serves as
>     a base for mounting sensors. Platforms include, but are not
>     limited to, satellites, aeroplanes, ships, buoys, ground stations,
>     and masts. Heave is a displacement along the local vertical axis
>     (the Z axis). Heave is relative to the “at rest” position of the
>     platform with respect to the Z axis. The “at rest” position of the
>     platform may change over time.  The direction for positive values
>     of heave is specified by an attribute named direction. The value
>     of the direction attribute is "positive" if positive values of
>     heave represent the platform moving up as viewed by an observer on
>     top of the platform facing forward. The value of the direction
>     attribute is "negative" if positive values of heave represent the
>     platform moving down. The directionality of heave values is
>     unspecified if no direction attribute is present.
>     platform_course: Platform is a structure or vehicle that serves as
>     a base for mounting sensors. Platforms include, but are not
>     limited to, satellites, aeroplanes, ships, buoys, ground stations,
>     and masts. Course is the clockwise angle with respect to North of
>     the nominal forward motion direction of the platform.
>     platform_orientation: Platform is a structure or vehicle that
>     serves as a base for mounting sensors. Platforms include, but are
>     not limited to, satellites, aeroplanes, ships, buoys, ground
>     stations, and masts. Orientation is the clockwise angle with
>     respect to North of the longitudinal (front-to-back) axis of the
>     platform, which may be different than the platform course (see
>     platform_course).
>     platform_roll_rate: Platform is a structure or vehicle that serves
>     as a base for mounting sensors. Platforms include, but are not
>     limited to, satellites, aeroplanes, ships, buoys, ground stations,
>     and masts. Roll rate is the rate of rotation about an axis (the X
>     axis) that is perpendicular to the local vertical axis (the Z
>     axis) and is coplanar with the nominal forward motion direction of
>     the platform. Roll rate might not include changes in the “at rest”
>     rotation of the platform, which may change over time. The
>     direction for positive values of roll rate is specified by an
>     attribute named direction. The value of the direction attribute is
>     "clockwise" if positive values of roll rate represent the right
>     side of the platform rising as viewed by an observer on top of the
>     platform facing forward. The value of the direction attribute is
>     "anticlockwise" if positive values of roll rate represent the
>     right side of the platform falling. The directionality of roll
>     rate values is unspecified if no direction attribute is present.
>     platform_pitch_rate: Platform is a structure or vehicle that
>     serves as a base for mounting sensors. Platforms include, but are
>     not limited to, satellites, aeroplanes, ships, buoys, ground
>     stations, and masts. Pitch rate is the rate of rotation about an
>     axis (the Y axis) that is perpendicular to both the local vertical
>     axis (the Z axis) and the nominal forward motion direction of the
>     platform. Pitch rate might not include changes in the “at rest”
>     rotation of the platform, which may change over time. The
>     direction for positive values of pitch rate is specified by an
>     attribute named direction. The value of the direction attribute is
>     "clockwise" if positive values of pitch rate represent the front
>     of the platform rising as viewed by an observer on top of the
>     platform facing forward. The value of the direction attribute is
>     "anticlockwise" if positive values of pitch rate represent the
>     front of the platform falling. The directionality of pitch rate
>     values is unspecified if no direction attribute is present.
>     platform_yaw_rate: Platform is a structure or vehicle that serves
>     as a base for mounting sensors. Platforms include, but are not
>     limited to, satellites, aeroplanes, ships, buoys, ground stations,
>     and masts. Yaw rate is the rate of rotation about the local
>     vertical axis (the Z axis). Yaw rate might not include changes in
>     the “at rest” rotation of the platform, which may change over
>     time. The direction for positive values of yaw rate is specified
>     by an attribute named direction. The value of the direction
>     attribute is "clockwise" if positive values of yaw rate represent
>     the front of the platform moving to the right as viewed by an
>     observer on top of the platform facing forward. The value of the
>     direction attribute is "anticlockwise" if positive values of yaw
>     rate represent the front of the platform moving to the left. The
>     directionality of yaw rate values is unspecified if no direction
>     attribute is present.
>     platform_surge_rate: Platform is a structure or vehicle that
>     serves as a base for mounting sensors. Platforms include, but are
>     not limited to, satellites, aeroplanes, ships, buoys, ground
>     stations, and masts. Surge rate is the rate of displacement along
>     an axis (the X axis) that is perpendicular to the local vertical
>     axis (the Z axis) and is coplanar with the nominal forward motion
>     direction of the platform. Surge rate might not include changes in
>     the “at rest” position of the platform, which may change over
>     time. The direction for positive values of surge rate is specified
>     by an attribute named direction. The value of the direction
>     attribute is "positive" if positive values of surge rate represent
>     the platform moving forward as viewed by an observer on top of the
>     platform facing forward. The value of the direction attribute is
>     "negative" if positive values of surge rate represent the platform
>     moving backward. The directionality of surge rate values is
>     unspecified if no direction attribute is present.
>     platform_sway_rate: Platform is a structure or vehicle that serves
>     as a base for mounting sensors. Platforms include, but are not
>     limited to, satellites, aeroplanes, ships, buoys, ground stations,
>     and masts. Sway rate is the rate of displacement along an axis
>     (the Y axis) that is perpendicular to both the local vertical axis
>     (the Z axis) and the nominal forward motion direction of the
>     platform. Sway rate might not include changes in the “at rest”
>     position of the platform, which may change over time. The
>     direction for positive values of sway rate is specified by an
>     attribute named direction. The value of the direction attribute is
>     "positive" if positive values of sway rate represent the platform
>     moving left as viewed by an observer on top of the platform facing
>     forward. The value of the direction attribute is "negative" if
>     positive values of sway rate represent the platform moving right.
>     The directionality of sway rate values is unspecified if no
>     direction attribute is present.
>     platform_heave_rate: Platform is a structure or vehicle that
>     serves as a base for mounting sensors. Platforms include, but are
>     not limited to, satellites, aeroplanes, ships, buoys, ground
>     stations, and masts. Heave rate is the rate of displacement along
>     the local vertical axis (the Z axis). Heave rate might not include
>     changes in the “at rest” position of the platform, which may
>     change over time. The direction for positive values of heave rate
>     is specified by an attribute named direction. The value of the
>     direction attribute is "positive" if positive values of heave rate
>     represent the platform moving up as viewed by an observer on top
>     of the platform facing forward. The value of the direction
>     attribute is "negative" if positive values of heave rate represent
>     the platform moving down. The directionality of heave rate values
>     is unspecified if no direction attribute is present.
>     Grace and peace,
>     Jim
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