Hi all,

The CF Workshop to be held in Tacoma, WA (south of Seattle) in July will
start in the late afternoon on 16 July (Tuesday) and continue most of the
day of 17 July (Wednesday). Here's the session schedule (Seattle time - US
Pacific) and the current rough plan for the agenda:

Tuesday, 16 July


   16:30 - 18:00 (16 July) - Kick-off, Introductions, Review discussions
   and decisions from last year (session info

Wednesday, 17 July


   08:30 - 10:00 (17 July) - Discussion of CF Governance and Process (session

   10:30 - 12:00 (17 July) - Update on recent and current proposed changes
   to CF (session info

   13:30 - 15:00 (17 July) - Other recent topics; wrap-up and next
steps (session

As I mentioned in the Save-the-Date email, the workshop is part of the ESIP
Summer Meeting. If you plan to attend in person, you can find registration
and hotel information on the ESIP meeting page
<https://2019esipsummermeeting.sched.com/info> (early registration ends 10
June). The ESIP meeting is Tuesday through Friday and there are other
sessions related to CF and that may be of interest. So please review the
ESIP schedule <https://2019esipsummermeeting.sched.com/> before deciding on
travel dates.

Two closely related sessions immediately proceed the CF Workshop:


   12:45 - 14:15 (16 July) - Data Product Developer's’ Guide session
   developed by a NASA working group

   14:45 - 16:15 (16 July) - NetCDF and CF: The Basics session

For those that can’t attend in person, there will be support for remote
participation (GoToMeeting I believe).

More details on the agenda will follow and be posted on the session pages
(see links above).

Thank you,

The Organizing Committee
CF-metadata mailing list

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