At 07:32 PM 3/31/00 +1000, you wrote:
>I taught a client how to use meta tags and comments inside the header of
>his static pages to give the search engines something to index.
>He's done this to great effect, and he has hundreds of static pages - one
>for every product - most of which are indexed by the major search engines.

I would add a "memo" (VarChar) column to a product table that contained the 
text for meta-tags and other "head" content. Then you can dynamically write 
that information into each product page. We do a similar type of thing at 
Blue Star Training. Check out the URLs below to see dynamic pages that 
"act" like static.

>Not surprisingly, keeping all those static pages up to date is a nightmare,
>and his store lends itself to a ColdFusion shopping cart.
>How do you all get round this?    If you have few static pages, what do you
>give the search engines to index?

I wrote an article on this subject from the ColdFusion Developers Journal 
(Volume 2 Issue 1, January 2000 page 31). The technique that I call "Fake 
URL" uses IIS and CF to present an URL that the search engines see as 
static. The URLs listed above are the "Fake" versions of the URLs listed below.


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