At 01:09 PM 4/11/00 -0700, you wrote:
>Hi Jennifer,
> > At 09:02 AM 4/10/00 -0700, you wrote:
> > >Hi Dick,
> > >
> > >We upgraded to 4.51 and it seemed to cure quite a few ills. So far no
> > >damage. We had previously installed the hot fixes for CFHTTP and CFMAIL
> > >had switched some CFMAIL calls off to another machine so we didn't have
> > >problems there. It now does allow the 20,000,000 AOL users that couldn't
> > >complete our pages do so...seems really strange to me that they would
> > >such crap to be issued as a release in the first place as an 'upgrade' ;)
> >
> > You can't really mean that. The problem is on AOL's end. CF Server now
>Oh yes...I really can mean it ;)...and the problem was with CFServer with
>O'Reilly's Website
>AOL fixed the problem as we were installing 4.51 ;)

AOL fixes nothing.

> > accommodates the problems on AOL's end. Do you honestly want Allaire to
> > accounts with every major ISP so they can check to see if the ISP's stupid
> > procedures mess up the sites? I used to work at a hosting company and the
>Of course not...but I would think that they would test it on the LARGEST
>modem community in the world...duh!

So how do you determine which ISPs are large enough to justify doing this? 
You say that they should do it for AOL because it's the largest modem 
community, but what about the second largest and third largest and what 
about non-modem communities? You are trying to start them down the slippery 
slope of Allaire having to test on EVERY ISP because what makes that ISP so 
much less worthwhile than the next best one which just got testing because 
they were the next best one to some other ISP. If they started doing this 
they would have to test for every major ISP and everyone that Allaire 
didn't consider a major ISP would start bad rumors about ColdFusion not 
scaling. If they justify doing it for one, they have to justify why they 
did it. If they say that AOL has so many users that it makes it worthwhile, 
they have to define how many users makes it worthwhile. And someone's ISP 
with one too few users gets ticked. How much work do you think it would be 
every time some ISP's settings had to be accommodated?

This way they have solved the problem. So many people complained that it 
didn't work on AOL; that makes it justifiable. They can say "We've gotten 
18 gazillion complaints that it doesn't work on this system, so we consider 
that a problem. Other ISPs don't generate many complaints" instead of "AOL 
gets better treatment than other ISPs." This is ignoring the endorsement of 
AOL that such practices would imply.

> > focus was on video hosting. Every time we had a broadcast, we would get
> > inundated with tech support calls from AOL users asking us why our site
> > broken. You can't imagine how many times I had to explain to people
> > why they needed to get a real ISP. AOL uses cached proxy servers and it is
> > bad bad bad.
>I also do tech support and know just how lame AOL users can be and have used
>that same explaination as you did ;), however, that doesn't cover the fact
>that submit buttons or graphics buttons or verity searches wouldn't work
>using an AOL account until we upgraded to 4.51 (they worked fine with 1.5,
>2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.1, 4.0 and 4.1) from 4.5

So you are saying that a problem is isolated to AOL and the problem isn't 
that ColdFusion has to get around something on AOL's system. If the problem 
was not some unique setting on AOL, then this problem would be happening 
with other sites. Our sites (in 4.0.1) have problems with AOL users but not 
users from any other ISP. If AOL is the only ISP with this problem, it is a 
problem with AOL. At least part of the problem appears to be with AOL's 
modified browser. How many browser programs do you think that Allaire 
should support? What you want is for Allaire to spend the time and 
resources to accommodate *your* issue. But if they had to do that for 
everyone's issue, they'd be out of business.

> > The really funny calls were the AOL users who said "What do you mean you
> > don't do tech support for AOL? You're the Internet, right?"
> >
>I understand...we have several hundred customers that use our lines to
>connect to their AOL accounts and it's tough to explain to them why their
>AOL mail doesn't work ;)

I had an over installed this morning. The installer (not knowing what I do 
for a living) started to lecture me on why I should get an AOL account. One 
of his reasons was that "if [I] wanted porn it would send [me] so much porn 
that [I] would want it to stop sending [me] porn but it wouldn't. It would 
just keep sending [me] porn."
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