He's not off-base at all. I've had plenty of first-hand experience with AOL
breaking every RFC in the book when it suits their purpose. Their caching
proxy servers are so completely evil as to defy belief. I've personally been
affected by them caching cookies and authentication data to such an extent
that multiple users end up contaminating each other's sessions. In the worst
case, a user who happened to come through the same proxy as another user was
able to jump into a secured area via the previous user's http authentication
data. Only a complete moron would cache this data, and allow it to be used
by another user.

I have called their tech people in the past in order to try to solve these
issues, and was treated VERY rudely by their staff. I was told "This is the
way we do it, if you want to do business with our customers, you will do it
our way."

AOL is an evil bully that makes Microsoft look like a pansy.

BTW, in order to defeat AOL's proxies, to make the world safe for dynamic
content and e-commerce, ALL of the following headers should be used (you
should modify the time zone in Last-Modified to your time zone):

"Pragma: no-cache"
"Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"
"Last-Modified: " & dateformat(now(), "dd mmm yyyy") & " " &
timeformat(now(), "HH:mm:ss") & " GMT-7"
"Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"

>>AOL has millions of users.  This is quite a large target customer base.
I suggest you show them a bit more respect.<<

I love this. I do have respect for their user base. However, AOL as a
company is a monopolistic, bullying bunch of spammer-harboring, slack-jawed,
mouth-breathers that cares NOTHING for the Internet community and for the
companies that share the Net with them. They never have, they never will.
They are Satan incarnate.

Michael J. Sheldon
Internet Applications Developer
Phone: 480.699.1084
PGP Key Available on Request

-----Original Message-----
From: Reuben King [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2000 14:46
Subject: Re: Is 4.5.1 Solid


Your trashing of AOL rather bothers me.  AOL is just an ISP like any
other and if your application breaks when someone from AOL attempts to
use it, then I would suggest the problem lies flatly on your end for
your failure to support even the most basic of cross-browser

Furthermore, your insinuation that AOL'ers are all stupid, silly,
ignorant, and what-not is way off base.  AOL has its share of newbies,
but lots of professionals use it too.

AOL has millions of users.  This is quite a large target customer base.
I suggest you show them a bit more respect.

Specific notes on your post follow:

In <036c01bfa3f1$e3fcbae0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, WBB ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) in a
fit of unbridled passion, wrote:
> OR
> AOL fixed the problem as we were installing 4.51 ;)

CFMAIL is an SMTP interface for CF on the server side.  How does it have
anything to do whatsoever with AOL?

> > accommodates the problems on AOL's end. Do you honestly want Allaire to
> get
> > accounts with every major ISP so they can check to see if the ISP's
> > procedures mess up the sites? I used to work at a hosting company and
> Of course not...but I would think that they would test it on the LARGEST
> modem community in the world...duh!

Why?  CF is a server-extension and has nothing to do with browsers or

> > focus was on video hosting. Every time we had a broadcast, we would get
> > inundated with tech support calls from AOL users asking us why our site
> was
> > broken. You can't imagine how many times I had to explain to people
> exactly
> > why they needed to get a real ISP. AOL uses cached proxy servers and it
> > bad bad bad.
> I also do tech support and know just how lame AOL users can be and have
> that same explaination as you did ;), however, that doesn't cover the fact
> that submit buttons or graphics buttons or verity searches wouldn't work
> using an AOL account until we upgraded to 4.51 (they worked fine with 1.5,
> 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.1, 4.0 and 4.1) from 4.5

Sounds to me like a problem with your developer's skillset or lack

> > The really funny calls were the AOL users who said "What do you mean you
> > don't do tech support for AOL? You're the Internet, right?"
> >
> I understand...we have several hundred customers that use our lines to
> connect to their AOL accounts and it's tough to explain to them why their
> AOL mail doesn't work ;)

AOL works fine over TCP/IP.


Reuben King <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Senior Web Consultant
Stonebridge Technologies <http://www.sbti.com/>
Phone: (512) 502-3332
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