Am I blind? Where is the call for the html page and not cfm?


Chris Montgomery wrote:

> Howdy,
> I use the application.cfm file in the "admin" directory (one level down
> from the application's root directory) to prevent unauthorized entry to
> the admin section if the administrator isn't logged in.  This has
> satisfactorily worked for several applications I've built based on the
> code below....until now.
> I created a directory called "logs" under the admin directory and placed
> a copy of a log analysis reports page in it for the client to review
> their traffic stats.  If I type the complete URL path
> ( to the log
> reports page in my browser without logging in as the site administrator,
> it calls up the page without throwing me over to the login page first.
> Any ideas where this is going wrong?  Code follows:
> Application.cfm:
> <!--- declare application framework initial parameters --->
> <!--- Include main application file --->
> <cfinclude template="../application.cfm">
> <!--- For starters, set client logged in to "false" --->
> <cfparam name="Session.AdminLoggedIn" default=FALSE>
> <cfparam name="Session.Goto" default="">
> <!--- Install custom error pages --->
> <CFERROR TYPE="REQUEST" TEMPLATE="../requesterr.cfm"
> <CFERROR TYPE="VALIDATION" TEMPLATE="../validationerr.cfm">
> <!---   If user is not yet logged in, and not currently on the login
> pages, redirect them there. --->
> <cfif Not Session.AdminLoggedIn>
> <!--- Store the name of the page the user came from so they can return
> to it after login --->
>         <cfset Session.Goto = #CGI.SCRIPT_NAME#>
>         <cfif CGI.QUERY_STRING NEQ "">
>         <cfset Session.Goto = #CGI.SCRIPT_NAME# & "?" & '#CGI.QUERY_STRING#'>
>         </cfif>
>         <cfif (CGI.SCRIPT_NAME IS NOT "/admin/login.cfm") AND (CGI.SCRIPT_NAME
> IS NOT "/admin/authenticate.cfm")>
>         <cflocation url="/admin/login.cfm" addtoken="no">
>         </cfif>
> </cfif>
> Thanks for any insight.
> Chris Montgomery
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