Structures seem totally useless to me.  If they were two dimensional, 
then I could see definite value.  I'd love to see something like:

<cfset access_flags["is_superuser"].default_value="false">
<cfset access_flags["is_superuser"].description="Is this user an 
<cfset access_flags["is_superuser"].data_type="boolean">
<cfset access_flags["is_superuser"].user_assignment="true">

<cfset access_flags["access_emps"].default_value="false">
<cfset access_flags["access_emps"].description="Does this user have 
access to the employee records?">
<cfset access_flags["access_emps"].data_type="boolean">
<cfset access_flags["access_emps"].user_assignment="true">
.. etc ...

As I understand it right now from reading the CF docs and Forta's books, 
structures are nothing at all but a one dimensional shorthand way of 
passing around a single row of key/value pairs.  Am I correct in this?

I guess I'll just use the QueryNew() function and its relatives..
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