From: Andrea W <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I am sending an http request using cfhttp to register a user on a remote
> site - the remote site is using asp. The asp code is looking for the browser
> type in the cgi variables. I am sending it the browser type as follows:
> <cfhttp
> method="post" resolveurl="true">
> (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT)">
> </cfhttp>
> But the remote app is still balking and claiming that I have an old browser
> version. Does anyone know if there is some way that using the cfhttp tag can
> tack on some cgi variables that cannot be overridden by the cfhttpparam? I
> have shown this code to the asp developer who wrote the code that accepts
> the user registration, and he said the HTTP_USER_AGENT variable looked
> correct and is what his app is looking for.

Have you tried setting the user_agent to an older version?
Might be that the receivning app isn't filtering correctly
for 5.01 ....


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