     I'm _Sorry_ for my poor English.
     I think will be helpful to preserve all information in 1
     cookie. Maybe example listed below will be helpful for you. Of
     course, I don't claim to truth, but think that 25 cookies is too

To set:
<cfcookie expires="NEVER" name="user" value="#cook#">

To retrieve:
<cfif isdefined("cookie.user")>
<cfset userArray = ArrayNew(1)>
<cfset jjj = 1>
<cfset kkk = 1>
<cfloop from="1" to="#len(cookie.user)#" index="hhh">
<cfif asc(mid(cookie.user,hhh, 1)) eq 8>
<cfset userarray[kkk] = Mid(cookie.user, jjj, hhh-jjj)>
<cfset jjj=hhh+1>
<cfset kkk=kkk+1>

Monday, April 24, 2000, 1:33:02 AM, you wrote:

Steve> Sounds like you are exceeding the cookie limit... I think it's 20.
       I think it is Nescape problem.

Steve> ----- Original Message -----
Steve> From: "cfm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Steve> Sent: Sunday, April 23, 2000 7:32 PM
Steve> Subject: Cookies disappear

>> Hello all,
>> I have created a dynamic site where I tried to save a lot of the dynamic
Steve> information in cookies.  At any 1 time there could be about 25 cookies.
Steve> None of them are very large, each holding a max of about 45 bytes.  This
Steve> dynamic information is stuff like a cookie for the main font color,  a
Steve> cookie for the main domain url, etc.  These cookies are pulled up on every
Steve> page.
>> I have error logic in my application.cfm to push to a second page and save
Steve> this information to an error file so that I can see the errors others have
Steve> received on the site.
>> I seem to get the same error quite a lot and it is cookie no longer exist:
Steve> "ColdFusion was unable to determine the value of the parameter".  I am not
Steve> sure what causes something like this.  I only have one page where I reset
Steve> all of the cookies and that is when someone logoffs the site.  I also have
Steve> received the error and know for sure I did not hit the logogff before
Steve> receiving the error.
>> Is there a reason why the cookies would suddenly dissappear?  Perhaps,
Steve> cookies being pushed out of the buffer when more cookies are saved?  Maybe
Steve> some virus?  Probably something I am doing but I have no idea what it is?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> kaigler
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 Alex                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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