Hi everybody

I have to make the output of a CGI which only accepts certain IP ranges
available on the general web, and change the look and feel a little.

I'm planning on doing this by redirecting everything through a CFM page
which will simply CFHTTP the correct pages, do a search and replace to
change certain look and feel aspects, then give it back to the user. It
also replaces all links/form posts through itself.

I've got it mainly working except for one thing. Images. I know you can
use CFCONTENT to set it to the mime type it originally came in as (i.e.
CFHTTP.MimeType), but how do I get the actual file content (i.e. raw
binary) out? I tried just CFOUTPUTting it, but CF won't do non-ASCII
characters. CFCONTENT will let you specify a filename, but is there any
better way than writing to a file, then using CFCONTENT? It would slow
things down quite a bit, I reckon.


David Cummins
Ubiquity Software Ltd

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