The problem is, I have no choice about the matter. ALL file fetches by the browser are 
being redirected through my script, and I can't use the file attribute of CFCONTENT 
(as far as
I'm aware), because the images aren't on the same server.

Basically, my script is getting passed the URL of the image, and I want it to return 
the actual image with the correct mime encoding. For example, it might be invoked as 

<img src="http://myserver/simulator.cfm?theurl=otherserver/image.gif">

If it seems a little non-sensical, just remember that its main purpose is to intercept 
links and form posts, and this is just a side-effect.

Russ Michaels wrote:

> I think you have the wrong end of the stick here. The browser handles the
> processing of images, you just give it the path to a file, not the image
> data. If you try and output an images binary data to the HTML page, it will
> always appear as just that, binary data, not an image.
> If you want to change an image within a page, you must pass the filename
> and use CFFIle to upload over the old image, or just upload a new one and
> change the reference within the HTML.
> >Hi everybody
> >
> >I have to make the output of a CGI which only accepts certain IP ranges
> >available on the general web, and change the look and feel a little.
> >
> >I'm planning on doing this by redirecting everything through a CFM page
> >which will simply CFHTTP the correct pages, do a search and replace to
> >change certain look and feel aspects, then give it back to the user. It
> >also replaces all links/form posts through itself.
> >
> >I've got it mainly working except for one thing. Images. I know you can
> >use CFCONTENT to set it to the mime type it originally came in as (i.e.
> >CFHTTP.MimeType), but how do I get the actual file content (i.e. raw
> >binary) out? I tried just CFOUTPUTting it, but CF won't do non-ASCII
> >characters. CFCONTENT will let you specify a filename, but is there any
> >better way than writing to a file, then using CFCONTENT? It would slow
> >things down quite a bit, I reckon.
> >
> >TIA
> >
> >David Cummins
> >Ubiquity Software Ltd
>   Satachi Internet Development
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