if you want the heading to reappear every 15 lines, you can
try something like this:

<CFSET color1="whitesmoke"> <!--- Odd row color --->
<CFSET color2="CCFFCC"> <!--- Even row color --->

</table><table border="1" width="100%">
<cfoutput query="list">
  <cfif CurrentRow MOD 15 IS 1>
    <tr bgcolor="lightgrey">
      <td width="25%">Name</td>
      <td width="25%">email</a></td>
      <td width="25%">Phone</a></td>
      <td width="25%">Action</td>
  <TR BGCOLOR="#IIf(CurrentRow MOD 2 IS 1, DE(color1), DE(color2))#">
    <td width="25%">#LastName#, #FirstName# &nbsp;</td>
    <td width="25%"><a href="mailto:#email#">#email#&nbsp;</a></td>
    <td width="25%">#Phone#&nbsp;</a></td>
    <td width="25%"><a href="empedit.cfm?ID=#MailID#"> Edit </a></td>

The second currentrow mod thing makes every other line a different color.

-----Original Message-----
From: Adrian Cesana [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2000 9:47 AM
Subject: long tables and headings

Several of my applications list out a few hundred records in table format,
the top row contains the headings.  After scrolling down you loose the
headings and are constantly scrolling up down up down to see the heading.
Ive played with a this a little using a frame, it works ok but you must
define everything to be the exact width height etc otherwise things dont
line up, it creates lots of maintenance it seems and Id rather not use
another frame for this.

Is there some method for a floating heading bar anyone has discovered or
some JavaScript that would pop up the heading when a link is clicked say in
the first column or something like this...? How are people handling this,
anything I can do with CF...?


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