Does anyone know the best way to create autonumbers using SQL 7.0 similar to
the following:

First Document ever created in NY where NY = code "01", DocID = 9000001-01
2nd Document ever created in NY = DocID = 9000002-01

First Document created in MD  (Code = "02"), DocID = 9000001-02
2nd Document created in MD = 9000002-02

First Drawing created in NY site = DocID = 8000001-01
2nd Drawing in NY = 8000002-01

So grab the doctype (drawing or doc) AND the site off the form, query
against some tables and determine next number, then assign it with the
trailing suffix.  Can I use "01" or "02" as some sort of trailer and still
use an identity type field or do I have to define it as integer or alpha
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