At 01:23 PM 7/25/02 -0400, Michael Dinowitz wrote:
>If the behavior of flaming simple, common or any other question continues, 
>I'm going to be forced to assign homework to the flamer.
>"If your so good at this that you can bash someone else for asking the 
>question, then you have to write up a short FAQ to answer the question". I 
>think that if enough of these FAQs are written then maybe it'll cut down 
>on what some feel are easy or silly

Excellent idea.  I agree that the same question gets asked over and over, 
but it isn't the end of the world.  This is one of the two best lists I've 
ever been on, largely because I can feel free to ask a question that some 
people would label stupid.

>questions. I can't do this alone until someone decides to pay me for 
>hosting the lists and community work. I barely have enough time as is. 
>(Yes, this is a hint to Macromedia)

I think you should be hired on as a technology evangelist - this list is 
probably one of the greatest marketing machines MM has access to.


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