Well he is saying that if he opens a new window and types in a URL that does
not go to his splash screen that it is not redirecting. If he opens a new
window, it should be a different session with different CFID & CFTOKEN values.


In application.cfm
 SESSIONTIMEOUT="#createTimeSpan(1,  0,  0,  0)#">

<cfparam name="session.initialized" default="false">
<cfif session.initalized eq "false">
<cflocation url="splash1.cfm" addtoken="no">


<cfif not(isDefined("session.initialized"))>
    <cfset session.initialized = "true">

You wont need anything, because application.cfm will handle it...

Douglas Brown
----- Original Message -----
From: "Cornillon, Matthieu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 26, 2002 10:51 AM
Subject: RE: Setting and evaluating session variables

> Hi.  I think that I see the problem that you are having.  My explanation may
> seem overly simple at first, but bear with me.
> Session variables are stored on the CF server.  A given set of session
> variables is tied to a given user by two key values: CFID, and CFTOKEN.
> These values are sent to your machine as cookies when you access any page on
> the server.  Now, as long as you are accessing the server from that machine,
> and as long as you have cookies enabled and don't replace them, the session
> variables will stay set for the default expiration time (which is probably
> set to something like 2 hours in your CF Administrator).
> So, the reason that you're getting weird behavior is that
> session.initialized is staying set for at least 2 hours from the time you
> first hit that page during a given day.  This makes testing really hard,
> right?  I think that your application is set up properly, but you are having
> trouble testing it.  I recommend this:
> Create a page called wipeout.cfm or something that erases all the cookies
> and session variables that you don't want to keep.  I keep a link to this on
> the link bar in IE, so that I can return to "regular user" state whenever I
> need to.  The statements you'll need are:
> <CFCOOKIE expires="NOW" name="COOKIENAME" value="invalid">
> <CFLOCK scope="SESSION" timeout="30" type="EXCLUSIVE">
> <CFSET dummy=StructClear(session)>
> Repeat the CFCOOKIE line for as many cookies as you need to erase.  The
> CFSET statement will wipe out all session variables in one shot.
> Also, your test for the value of Session.Initialized should not be for it's
> value, but for its existence:
> <CFIF not IsDefined("Session.Initialized")>
> This should let you test your system without pulling your hair out at what
> seems like completely inconsistent behavior.
> Now, however, I want to make sure that you aren't going for something
> different than what I think.  I want to map out a path of use and how it
> would work under your current layout (assuming a two-hour expiration time
> for session variables):
> July 27th
> 10:15 AM
> User opens www.yahoo.com
> 10:17 AM
> User opens your site (www.yoursite.com/mySecondPage.cfm)
> She gets bounced to the splash page, since session.initialized wasn't set
> yet.
> still 10:17 AM(later in that minute)
> User returns to www.yoursite.com/mySecondPage.cfm, which now is allowed to
> completely load, since session.initialized is now set.
> 10:18 AM
> After looking at www.yoursite.com/mySecondPage.com, user is so wowed that
> she goes for a stroll to contemplate the meaning of life.  Since the work is
> super-duper high security, though, she immediately closes the browser and
> shuts down her computer.
> 12:17 PM
> User has returned from her walk, ready to surge forward with her work.  She
> has already turned on her machine, logged in, and launched IE.  She promptly
> goes to the page that inspired this (nearly!) two-hour sojourn:
> www.yoursite.com/mySecondPage.com.  That page will load WITHOUT going to the
> splash page.  Why?  Because session.initialized has still not expired
> (although it's one minute away from doing so), and the CF server knows to
> look for it under the CFID and CFTOKEN values stored on your user's machine.
> 12:18 PM
> User decides that she is no longer so wowed by your page, and immediately
> browses to www.someothersite.com.  She stays away from your site until 4:01
> PM.
> 4:01 PM
> User once again types in www.yoursite.com/mySecondPage.com.  This time, she
> gets bounced to the splash page.  Why?  Because the two-hour session
> variable has expired.
> If this is the behavior you want, then you're all set.  I just wanted to
> make sure that you weren't under operating under any misconceptions about
> how it would work.
> Hope this is helpful,
> Matthieu
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Yexley Robert D Contr Det 1 AFRL/WSI
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, July 26, 2002 10:28 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Setting and evaluating session variables
> <cfQuestion
> type="Rookie">
> I'm trying to write my first web app in CFMX, and am having some trouble
> figuring out how session variables work.  I'm basically just trying a few
> things to test setting them and testing for their values, stuff like that.
> So, what I've done, is I've added a section in my Application.cfm file to
> establish my needed session variables, and initialize them to nothing ("").
> One of those session variables is called SESSION.initialized, and it's
> value, again, gets set to "".  The very first line of the splash page of my
> app has the line <cfSet SESSION.initialized = "True"> which is intended to
> initialize a users session in the application.  I do this ONLY on that first
> splash page for the app.  Now, at the bottom of my Application.cfm file, I
> have the following statement:
> <cfif SESSION.initialized is not "True">
>     <cfLocation URL="mySplashPage.cfm" addToken="No">
> </cfif>
> Now, if I understand the way this works correctly, what I'm expecting, is
> that if I open a new browser window, and I try to circumvent that splash
> page by typing something like http://www.mysite.com/mySecondPage.cfm
> <http://www.mysite.com/mySecondPage.cfm>  into the address line of the
> browser, the line above that checks that session variable should get
> executed at the beginning of the request for that page.  Now, at this point,
> since during this browser session I have *not* navigated to mySplashPage.cfm
> yet, that the SESSION.initialized variable has not been set to "True" yet,
> so this condition would evaluate to FALSE, and should execute the
> <cfLocation> tag to redirect the browser to the mySplashPage.cfm document,
> so that it *will* set that variable to "True".  Am I correct in that
> thinking?  If not, how does this work?
> I thought I had this working properly the other day, but it doesn't seem to
> be working right today, because I'm not getting redirected like I would
> expect.  And, on a side note to that, has anyone had any problems with this
> <cfLocation> tag with a Mozilla browser?  The other day when I was trying
> this, I kept getting an error from Mozilla that said something like
> "Redirection limit exceeded for this URL".  Has anyone else experienced
> this?  If so, is it a browser problem that Mozilla can't be redirected?  Is
> there a workaround for it?
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> </cfQuestion>
> ::YEX::
> /*
> || Robert D. Yexley
> || Oracle Programmer/Analyst
> || Easylink Services Corporation
> || Professional Services
> || Contractor - Wright Research Site MIS
> || Det-1 AFRL/WSI Bldg. 45 Rm. 062
> || (937) 255-1984
> || <)))><
> */
>  <<Robert D. Yexley (E-mail).vcf>>
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