At 12:07 PM 6/1/00 -0400, you wrote:
>Does anyone have experience with homesite?
>I need to recommend a SIMPLE wysiwyg editor to a customer of mine. Is
>Homesite Wysywyg or an HTML editor?, and if it's html, can anyone
>recommend a simple wys...editor BESIDES front page?

HomeSite is a great html text editor, but it's not so hot at WYSIWYN (which 
might be what you are looking for-- most so-called WYSIWYG editors are 
really WYSIWYN, like FrontPage). The only editor that I'm aware of that 
would be a true WYSIWYG editor is NetObjects Fusion, but I have personally 
never used it. From what I understand, it is true drag and drop: you drop 
the images in the part of the page where you want the images to go and it 
builds the necessary code to make the images go there. I have not seen what 
this code looks like though. DreamWeaver is a really good editor. It has a 
nice balance between text editing and design interface. It is probably not 
as dummy-proof as FrontPage, but FrontPage is evil. We use DreamWeaver for 
our html design editor and then the pages are handed off to the developers 
who work in text editors. DreamWeaver seldom (if ever) breaks CFML, which 
is very good for you.

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