My CFMX on Mac OS X just consumed a web service -- it was quite tasty

Thanks Sean

You do *not* want to copy webservices.jar from the CF runtime/lib to 
/Library/Java/Extensions/ -- it screws up getting the definition of a 
local cfc as a web service, i.e. the following won't work

So, now consuming a web service works, but publishing does not --

The .java files are created in stubs, but they are not compiled into 
class files

Any ideas?

the beat goes on!


On Wednesday, July 31, 2002, at 10:06 PM, Sean A Corfield wrote:

> On Wednesday, July 31, 2002, at 04:23 , Dick Applebaum wrote:
>> I also put a copy of java2wsdl.jar and wsdl2java.jar in the same 
>> folder.
> Don't need 'em.
> You need tt-bytecode.jar which is part of the axis-1_0 distribution.
> Download the "Beta 3" .tar.gz from 
> -
> inside axis-1_0/lib you'll find tt-bytecode.jar - cp it to
> /Library/Java/Extensions/
> You also need xmlParserAPIs.jar which is part of the Xerces Java 2
> distribution which you can download from
> - cp that to
> /Library/Java/Extensions/
> I also cp webservices.jar from the CF runtime/lib to there but I haven't
> verified whether it's actually necessary.
> Access a web service (e.g., the Amazon one) and lo and behold!!
> "If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
> -- Margaret Atwood
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