And in those corporate environments where the system admins wear Microsoft
socks and Bill Gates underwear?  Throwing Apache onto the production web
servers might not get you employee of the year.  ;)

While Apache may be able to do so much more so much easier (for some!),
sometimes you have to figure out a way to work with the tools you have ... 

IIS will allow you to backup and restore your configuration.  Right click on
IIS in MMC and you should have the option to do that.

As for handling the marketing folks' desires, there is a way to handle this
in IIS without relying on the 404 message handler.

1) Create a sub-directory that you will use for all these requests, say
maybe 'people', so the request would look like  Or, alternatively set up a

2) In IIS, for that directory or subdomain, go to properties and choose the
directory tab.  Change the 'When connecting to this resource, the content
should come from:' option to 'A redirection to a URL', and enter in the
redirect to box "/people.cfm?person=$0".  (use the help on that tab to see
other options)

3) Now the URL will be
redirected to

Same basic effect as Apache, just a little more(?) work to set up and a
little less flexibility.


-----Original Message-----
From: Sean A Corfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2002 10:13 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Can anybody see a problem with this?

On Thursday, August 1, 2002, at 06:05 , Alistair Davidson wrote:
> Off the top of my head I can't think of a reason why that wouldn't work,
> but to my mind, relying on the server's error catching to perform
> designed functionality just "feels" wrong - it feels like bad design,
> and it's shifting some of your logic from the application itself to the
> server software that it's running under.

Well, whichever way you slice this problem, it amounts to much the same 
thing: URL mapping. People who use Apache do this sort of stuff all the 
time via rewrite rules, redirects and proxies. If I was Bill, I'd dumped 
IIS and install Apache and have it rewrite the URLs from ^/[A-Za-z]*/?$ to 
/lookup.cfm?directory=$1 (which would also have to deal with any other 
valid top-level directories that had default index pages). Although with 
Apache, you could make the redirects and rewrites as smart as you wanted.

Generally, people who run Apache feel that customizing Apache to achieve 
the desired result for the web site is perfectly reasonable - the config 
is all in text files that you can keep under version control. I can see 
why people who run IIS wouldn't want to do the same sort of thing...

"If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
-- Margaret Atwood

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