Ok don't laugh but I'm stuck trying to figure out a good naming convention
for my CFCs and I'm stuck. I'm very particular to this kind of stuff...and
I'm wondering what other folks are using...


This is the kind of file structure I've got:










In this example I would typically have 3-4 tiers. "service.cfc" is typically
the focal point and is exposed remotely. It has functions like "login" that
kicks off other functions...establishing needed data in the session scope.
The second class of CFCs I would have here is for applying any logic to data
derived by the third class which I'd classify as a Data Access Layer.


Façade  ->  Biz Logic  ->  Data Access Layer


There are times when I feel the need to break the Biz Logic into two
layers...an example of this would be a recordset I'm holding in session
scope that I would like to re-order....or apply some other specific logic on
it...kind of a "managed client" type logic that would only be used locally.


Façade -> Client -> Biz Logic -> Data Access Layer


So I guess my questions are...Does anyone take a simlar approach? Any
alternative solutions? Anyone have particular naming schemes they use to
denote for each CFC to show it's "realm" or "tier"?


Appreciate any insight from u good folks,



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