> You could use a snippet...

LOL... I had 2 simultaneous mixed responses to this:

1) Oooh oooh! ... wait ... nope, nevermind, you lost me...


2) Now that's just silly.

Isaac Dealey
Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer


> -----Original Message-----
> From: S. Isaac Dealey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2002 3:21 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: regexp

>> Not to mention isNumeric() in J's post is ... well, illegal.  It already
>> exist in CF and it'll throw an error.  Heh, to bad we can overwrite those
>> functions like you can in flash. ;)

> Who's J? ... Yea, I knew it was illegal, it was just for the purpose of
> the
> jab. :) I could have said "function
> IsReallyAndCertainlyAbsolutelyVeryDefini
> telyNumericAndNothingElseYeaYeaImTheMidnightBomberWhatBombsAtMidnightYeaYe
> a(
> string)" ... though I'm not sure I'd want to type that very often. :)

> Isaac Dealey
> Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer

> www.turnkey.to
> 954-776-0046

>> ~Todd

>> On Thu, 1 Aug 2002, Michael Dinowitz wrote:

>>> Well, he asked for RegEx and I gave him RegEx. The IsNumeric is better
>>> but I got directly into teaching mode. :)
>>> > > Try this:
>>> > > ^[0-9]+$
>>> > > A string must start (^) with a number ([0-9]), at least one number
>>> > > must
>>> > > exist (+) and the string ends after one or more numbers ($).
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Oooh oooh! ...
>>> >
>>> > function IsNumeric(string) {
>>> > return yesnoformat(REFind("^[0-9]$",string));
>>> > }
>>> >
>>> > isnumeric("3") = yes
>>> > usnumeric("3,000") = no
>>> >
>>> > Wow that would be useful... How come on one's thought of that before?
>>> > :)
>>> >
>>> > Sorry Mike... just poking a little geeky fun at your expense. :)
>>> >
>>> > Although actually, if the field is supposed to be numeric you can make
>>> > it a
>>> > little easier on some of the slower ( mentally ) users by eliminate
>>> > dollar
>>> > signs, commas and decimals which are common formatting elements for
>>> > money
>>> > values... which can be done with regex, although I think I would
>>> > probably
>>> > wind up using replacelist
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Isaac Dealey
>>> > Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
>>> >
>>> > www.turnkey.to
>>> > 954-776-0046
>>> >

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