Remove the 'top 5' and add a 'where' clause...

WHERE t_articles.publication_year = #year(now())# AND
t_articles.publication_month = #month(now())#

OR in SQl server you could try..

WHERE t_articles.publication_year = year(Getdate()) AND
t_articles.publication_month = month(getdate())

That will give you all articles from the current month. Altough it's highly
likley that early in the month you'll get 0 records.

I'd store and actual publication date to be honest, rather than 2 separate
fields (year/month).

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Leder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 19 August 2002 13:22
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Query Problem

The only issue here is that the amount of articles could vary from month
to month.


-----Original Message-----
From: Craig Dudley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2002 7:56 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Query Problem

You want to display the latest docs before a selection in the drop down?

If so, why not just display the latest 5.

Assumign your'e using SQL server, try this.

<cfquery name="q_news" datasource="#REQUEST.dsn1#">
SELECT TOP 5 t_art_category.*, t_committees.*, t_articles.id_art,
t_articles.art_title, t_articles.art_category_ID,
t_articles.art_subcat_ID, t_articles.art_teaser,
t_articles.publication_month, t_articles.publication_year FROM
t_art_category, t_committees, t_articles WHERE
t_articles.art_category_ID = t_art_category.category_ID AND
                t_committees.ID_comm = t_articles.art_subcat_ID
ORDER BY t_articles.publication_year DESC, t_articles.publication_month
DESC, cat_order </cfquery>

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Leder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 19 August 2002 12:40
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Query Problem

Good Morning all,

I've set up a newsletter db which permits my client to enter in articles
and select the current month / year of publication from a select box.
There could be 5 - 6 articles posted for, say "August 2002".  Since
those articles are the most recent, I want them to display in a
CFOUTPUT.  So in September, when new articles get posted, the most
recent month becomes the current issue.

Problem is, I've tried using a MAX(dbfield) SQL query statement without
success.  Can a MAX statement pull more than one database row (single
article) or am I trying to do a query the wrong way?  What would be the
best way to write the statement?  Here's what I have now:

<cfquery name="q_news" datasource="#REQUEST.dsn1#">
SELECT t_art_category.*, t_committees.*, t_articles.id_art,
t_articles.art_title, t_articles.art_category_ID,
t_articles.art_subcat_ID, t_articles.art_teaser,
t_articles.publication_month, t_articles.publication_year FROM
t_art_category, t_committees, t_articles WHERE
t_articles.art_category_ID = t_art_category.category_ID AND
                t_committees.ID_comm = t_articles.art_subcat_ID AND
                t_articles.publication_month =
MAX(t_articles.publication_month) AS newPubMonth AND
                t_articles.publication_year =
MAX(t_articles.publication_year) AS newPubYear
ORDER BY cat_order


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