On Thursday, August 29, 2002, at 07:07 , Jeff D. Chastain wrote:
> I did not study it for details, but what I read of the coding standards 
> link
> you mentioned sounds like primarily just good programming practices - i.e.
> naming conventions etc.

Correct, it is a list of recommended best practices.

> FuseBox has some of this, but FuseBox is really
> more of a design architecture.

It's a framework.

> There was a mention on the below mentioned
> site that separating content from layout is a good idea

Indeed it is.

> FuseBox actually implements this.

No, Fusebox recommends you do it and provides a well-defined way for you 
to do it. Fusebox itself does *not* implement this for you - you have to 
write your code in a very specific manner in order to do this. Fusebox 
again provides a *convention* for it - HTML generation goes in dsp_xxx.cfm 
files or layout files (which, confusingly, are two separate things in 
Fusebox), database queries go in qry_xxx.cfm files, actions (logic) go in 
act_xxx.cfm files. It's somewhat contrived and, IMO, somewhat unnatural. 
All it's doing is forcing you to partition your code, it isn't creating a 
tiered architecture like MVC for example.

> There was also a suggested documentation format mentioned
> that should be provided for each template.  FuseBox is a 'generation' 
> ahead
> of this by utilizing a documentation standard called fusedocs that are
> actually written in XML to allow for later processing.

Again, it is a very stylized approach, requiring users to learn a specific 
way of documenting code (which is not necessarily a bad thing) and it 
still doesn't help ensure that the documentation actually matches the code.
  I won't argue with the benefit of being able to automatically generate 
documentation from code - which Fusebox effectively lets you do - but this 
is an idea that's been around since the 60's so it's nothing new. 
ColdFusion MX supports this directly by generating Javadoc-style output 
from the code itself which means that the documentation can *never* get 
out of sync with the code, unlike Fusedocs.

> To sum up, the below link provides a lot of good information in terms of
> 'best practices'.  FuseBox itself is a program architecture that takes 
> those
> 'best practices', improves on them, and puts them into work.

Fusebox is a framework, not an architecture, and whether it "improves" on 
various best practices is a point of much contention.

> http://www.corfield.org/coldfusion/codingStandards.htm

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