Might I jump on this post and add a little? Don't mind if I do.

With the CF and Java worlds now closely coupled I think it becomes
critically important to begin using the proper terminology for what things
are in the software development world. Honestly web developers/programmers
are not exempt from using proper terminology in the first place.

I am not naming anyone for doing this, but an architecture, a framework, and
a methodology all have well understood meanings in software development. You
really can't just use these terms interchangeably. Maybe I am just beating a
dead horse here, but I still see grossly misapplied, misleading terminology
bantered about on various CF lists rather often.

I an not a language nazi or a perfectionist. I really hate when people will
accuse other programmers of being an academic simply because that person
strives to do things correctly, not even perfectly, just correct. No, I'm
not your 3rd grade grammar teacher who will correct you every time you
misuse a term.

Just based on context, honestly, you can't always tell what something really
means. If you dig and look deeper you usually can gain enough contextual
information and concrete data to determine what something is. However, for
improved communication with the other development communities proper
terminology from the start is important. Without communication there can be
no transfer of knowledge.

Here is how terms get improperly spread throughout a community or group of

Someone might slightly misuse a term once. And someone else seeing the term
slightly misused might take that term in its context and try to determine
its meaning. Next that person who tried to figure out what the word meant
begins misusing the term due to an incomplete understanding of the term to
begin with. Pretty soon you have several levels of indirection that lead to
people using terms in a completely new way that does not match with how most
of the software industry uses the term. It is just all around bad soup.

Some common sense logic applied to trying to join some new group or
community and become an accepted member: You have to learn that groups rules
and etiquette before you can interact in a manner that will be viewed as
completely acceptable by that group. And you have to interact with a new
group to really become known and accepted within that group.

I know these kind of things seem trivial, and nearly academic, points. When
it comes right down to it a lot of trivial and academic points can add up to
have a serious impact on things the every day web developer will face from
day to day. Anyhow, I will stop off my soapbox now.


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