I had posted this question, in a slightly more vague way, a couple weeks
ago. Well, the theoretical happened and I was wondering if anyone might have
a solution to head off such future occurrences.

  It seems that a no-longer-here developer had written a template where in
when conditions were met, a custom tag was called, and an email was
generated. He had named his custom tag the same as the calling template.
Well, the conditions were finally met, and in the end, some poor woman got
116,000 emails.

  So, with an example this time, is there a straight forward way of shutting
this loop down? Possibly a way of setting up a template to do it? Someway
other than shutting the service down? We ended up having to kill the service
to stop it. We initially tried making changes to the template hoping to
force it to error out...but the system had cached all of the pertinent
information and was on cruise control.

Lon Lentz
Applications Developer - GetLists.Com
DataWarehousing and List Sales - Market your lists on the Net!
941-541-9000 Ext. 210

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