That wouldn't work, if he used <cfexit> at the bottom of the page that
didn't want the onrequestend processing then it would leave the current page
then move onto (and process) the onrequestend file, no in this case
<cfabort> is the way to go.


"Computer games don't affect kids, I mean if Pac Man affected us as kids,
we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching pills and listening
to repetitive music..."

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Curran" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2002 9:57 PM
Subject: RE: Suppress OnRequestEnd.cfm output

> Better than the cfabort is the <cfexit> tag.  You use within the actual
> template you wish to not include or stop processing.
> You can continue processing, just not within the included file.  Sort of
> like a cfabort for each individual template.
> - j
> -----Original Message-----
> From: S. Isaac Dealey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2002 3:58 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: Suppress OnRequestEnd.cfm output
> > I have an OnRequestEnd.cfm file that I use for my application, and I
> > it to be very useful, but I have a few documents that are used for the
> > contents of iframes on which I would like to be able to explicitly
> > suppress the output of the OnRequestEnd.cfm file.  Is there any way to
> > this at the document level?  I've searched the archives, and haven't
> > much pertaining to this.  Does anyone have any ideas?  Thanks in
> You can use <cfabort> at the bottom of your document and that will prevent
> the onrequestend.cfm file from being processed... If there is non-display
> code in the onrequestend.cfm that you need to process, you can place this
> code in a separate file and use a <cfinclude> tag either prior to the
> <cfabort> tag, or simply place the <cfabort> at the end of your included
> module... i.e.
> onrequestend.cfm
> <cfoutput>display#stuff#here</cfoutput>
> <cfinclude template="requestend_proceduralcode.cfm">
> requestend_proceduralcode.cfm
> <cfset client.lastaccesstime=now()>
> etc...
> <cfabort>
> Or you can use a variable, i.e. <cfset request.displayfooter = "no"> and
> a cfif around your display code in your onrequestend.cfm... Just remember
> use a <cfparam> prior to your <cfif> statement.
> I wouldn't go the route of trying to use cgi.path_info, etc. to determine
> whether or not to display your footer output -- that way leads to madness.
> :)
> Isaac Dealey
> Certified Advanced ColdFusion 5 Developer
> 954-776-0046
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