Is there any chance of brining back Studio?
Dreamweaver is just so cumbersome and intolerably slow (on a p4 1.8) I
tried to use it but it's just can't. A complete waste of money. I find
it so bad that I have had to consider moving to a new markup language. A
language loses a lot of it's functionality when there isn't a decent
editor. Studio was nearly perfect, and seems more so after working with
DW for a couple weeks. Are there any other editors that can take the
place of studio 5 after it's obsolete?

-----Original Message-----
From: Sean A Corfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2002 8:58 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Dreamweaver MX opinions (CF Studio opinions?)

On Wednesday, September 4, 2002, at 07:12 , Tony Weeg wrote:
> the biggest pain i thought was, that i didnt get the funtionality
> in non-wysiwyg mode, as i really wanted.  i mean, the bitch and pain
> of handcoding the height and width of an image tag, for every image,

It's true that in code view it doesn't automatically add height and
tags but you could easily work in split view mode (with just a small 
design view) and use the design view pane to insert images - then it
the height and width automatically based on the image size. You should 
submit this via the wishlist form on the web site - it sounds like a 
useful enhancement.

> then im done and on to my passion, GOLF!!!

Ah, golf... who once said "Golf is a good walk spoiled"?

"If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
-- Margaret Atwood

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