         see below
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sean A Corfield" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, September 08, 2002 8:41 PM
Subject: Re: CFObject in CFMX

> On Sunday, September 8, 2002, at 09:13 , Joe Eugene wrote:
> > If i am right ... obj.init() simply does an calls
> > the
> > constructor. I dont have a constructor.. so the default constructor
> > should be called right?.. so obj.init() is needed only when you have
> > to instanciate the object and set variables too. some like...
> In that case you are safe but since you didn't post any code, I just
> wanted to mention it as one more thing to consider.
> > Anyways i finally found out that you had to "explicitly" declare the
> > class
> > as "public" to get this working...
> > so "class chkString{}" should be "puiblic class chkString{}"...
> Well, obviously the class needs to be declared "public" - otherwise, how
> could anything outside the package access it? Classes have access just
> like methods (and data members) and obey the same rules.

    I am not sure if this is the case.. did u see the second post i made to
        class Simple {        // note no public/private should default to
public in Java
            public String getString(){
                return ("Method call without public/private");

            public static void main(String args[]){
            Simple s = new Simple(); //default constructor call
        now take the code.. compile and run it.. you should get the method
        remove the main() and call it with <CFOBJECT> it starts to
        I asked Matt the same question...

> > after CFMX loads the class the first time
> > and you replace the class with a new class...CFMX keeps the OLD class
> > in
> > memory.. so basically you have restart the CFAS...
> As Matt already pointed out, you need to configure JRun to hot load
> /WEB-INF/classes - by default it does not (you wouldn't really want to do
> this in production for performance and security reasons). For a
> development system, you might want to enable hot deployment.
> > Is there any work around this... i mean you can't restart the server
> > in the
> > middle of production....Appreciate your help.
> See above - for performance and security reasons, you do not want not want
> to enable hot deployment on production. Instead you do want to control
> exactly what is running and therefore you should expect to have to restart
> the server when you make such changes (after all, you run your production
> server with trusted cache enabled, right? That disables 'hot deployment'
> of new CF pages).

I see your point... i guess we should atleast implement "hot load" in
its a real pain to start and stop the server in development. Well is hot
load implemented
for CF classes.. i mean how is that implemented in CFMX?


> Sean A Corfield --
> "If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
> -- Margaret Atwood
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