I use the code below as part of a forgotten-password scheme.  Gives me a string that 
can both be stored and emailed (the string is part of an html link) safely.


<CFSET variables.b64encrypted = ToBase64(encrypt(form.mydata,variables.mykey))>
<CFSET variables.urlencrypted = URLEncodedFormat(variables.b64encrypted)>


<CFSET variables.unencryptme = URLDecode(variables.urlencrypted)>
<CFSET variables.unencryptme = 

Matt Robertson    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MSB Designs, Inc., www.mysecretbase.com

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
from: John Gedeon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
date: Tue, 10 Sep 2002 11:26:18 -0700

No those weren't it. it was something like CFEncrypt or 
CFsomething....Maybe they are not used anymore

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