Right, though generally speaking, referencing an index on an integer or a
longinteger column is faster than referencing an index on a 20 character
varchar field... Of course, they're probably using something like verity
that will index the filename regardless of the id in which case it's sort of
moot, but still -- the fact that the integer is more efficient for the
machine is really an afterthought -- the more important point is that it's
easier and more efficient for _people_ to use... Isn't that the larger
purpose for the machines in the first place? Making things easier?

Certified Advanced ColdFusion 5 Developer


> The url would be indexed.... :)
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "S. Isaac Dealey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 1:12 PM
> Subject: RE: UUID's ( maybe OT)

>> I don't really know much about most other vendors' cms,
>> but this is one of
>> the things I dislike about a number of cms that I've seen
>> (from the
> outside
>> anyway) ... I just don't see the need for a url like:
> http://www.metlife.com/Applications/Corporate/WPS/CDA/Page
> Generator/0,1674,P
>> 249,00.html
>> ( this is the signiature url-format of Vignette's
>> StoryServer )
>> when a url like http://www.metlife.com/50598.html should
>> suffice for just
>> about anything, regardless of how much content you have.
>> I could have
> fifty
>> thousand pages in that site, or I could have
>> fifty-BILLION pages in that
>> site and it wouldn't matter, I could still use a
>> reasonably simple url
> like
>> this. I can't imagine those long content entry id's in
>> StoryServer and the
>> like help the software do its job quickly or efficiently
>> either...
>> And the really nice thing about using numbers is, not
>> only are they short,
>> but the length of the string only increases at 1/10th the
>> rate of content
>> increase, so the numbers stay small and easy for people
>> to remember or
> write
>> down or repeat to someone over the phone. As opposed to
>> the 2 minute
> ordeal
>> I would go through copying down a url like above on paper
>> and
>> double-checking to be sure it's correct.
>> Try giving someone a url like that verbally -- ever
>> worked technical
> support
>> where you had to give someone a url over the phone so
>> they could download
> a
>> driver? Usually you're saddled by the requirements of
>> your call center
> that
>> you can't send anyone email, so copying and pasting the
>> url is out of the
>> question. And even with url's that are much simpler than
>> this you often
> wind
>> up with users having difficulty hearing or understanding
>> it:
>> http://www.metlife.com/applications/corporate/wps ...
>> .. w - p as in paul - s as in sam ... slash
>> .. c as in cat, d as in dog, a as in apple...
>> PageGenerator ... p as in paul, a as in apple, g as in
>> golf, e as in
> echo...
>> Ten minutes later they have the url and your average
>> call-time's gone
>> through the roof.
>> God forbid the person is hard of hearing or just plain
>> computer
> illiterate.
>> </rant>
>> Not that there isn't any place for UUID's ... A place
>> they'd be useful?
> How
>> about a system where incident or report tickets are input
>> into a central
>> repository but are being generated from multiple
>> individual locations? ...
>> sure...
>> Generate a UUID at the location where the report or
>> incident is created,
>> along with a local numeric identity key. When you import
>> the data from
> your
>> multiple locations, you take in a location id, a local
>> unique number, and
> a
>> UUID -- someone searching the central repository can pick
>> out an
> individual
>> entry by entering a combination of a location id and
>> local unique
>> identifying number, or a UUID, or a unique number
>> generated at the central
>> repository.
>> The UUID is the "official" or cardinal identifier, so if
>> you're not able
> to
>> retreive data from any of the other identifiers, the UUID
>> is what you fall
>> back on as the authoritative answer / identifier. So when
>> someone at
>> location a calls and says "I need info on ticket #50 for
>> location a", and
>> you can't find the ticket, you ask them for the UUID and
>> if the UUID
> doesn't
>> exist, then they're just SOL. :) If it does exist, then
>> you can determine
> if
>> it's mislabelled ( the import mangled the location id or
>> the local
>> identifier ) and fix that problem.
>> S. Isaac Dealey
>> Certified Advanced ColdFusion 5 Developer
>> www.turnkey.to
>> 954-776-0046
>> > but as a datatype in SQL Server 2000
>> > wouldn't you imagine that m$ has made
>> > it so that the sql server engines running it
>> > are tuned to perform well with these?
>> > ..tony
>> > Tony Weeg
>> > Senior Web Developer
>> > Information System Design
>> > Navtrak, Inc.
>> > Fleet Management Solutions
>> > www.navtrak.net
>> > 410.548.2337
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: Zac Spitzer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> > Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 1:16 PM
>> > To: CF-Talk
>> > Subject: UUID's ( maybe OT)
>> > I am probably OT here, but I see so many people using
>> > UUID's when
>> > simpler normal numeric keys are better... a classic
>> > example for me is
>> > article id's... look at cfcomet for example... the
>> > article ids aren't
>> > user friendly, it reminds me of good old lotus notes
>> > and we all know how
>> > short urls are better than long one ( email wrapping
>> > for example )
>> > not to mention that your database and CF load is much
>> > higher using  long
>> > text pk's than with nice short numeric keys and your
>> > page size is
>> > increased a lot too..
>> > just letting off steam..... don't want to create a
>> > flame war or anything
>> > z
>> >
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