Zac Spitzer wrote:
> Bryan Love wrote:
>>Not really true.  The word "terrible" is a vast overstatement.
>>Assuming you use char (or varchar) for the UUID (char is better since the
>>size is constant)...
>>The difference btwn string keys and numeric keys (performance-wise) is
>>pretty much null until you get up into the millions of records and even then
>>it's not enough to worry about.
> ok some simple maths, a uuid is what 30 chars or something, that means a 
> join using two tables with lets say 10000 and 3000 rows.. that means a 
> query between the two is going to be working with either 13000 bytes or 
> 13000 * 30 bytes just to join data... the answer there is that you are 
> working with 30 times the amount of data, sure there is some optimzation 
> but the logic goes further..

Because primary keys are always indexed, and the fields in your db used 
for joins should also be, it would be a join on idexes, these are 
usually faster then unindexed numeric joins. Indexed numeric joins are 
just as fast (also joining on indexes).


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