Since request for info can be sent via URL link to an action page
where a query is made based upon the URL embedded variables,
then returned to the requested page where desired information is
why use Flash Remoting and have to learn a new scripting language?

Why not just make "invisible" page jumps to get new info and take it
back via CFLOCATION to the requesting page?  Looks just like Flash...

I guess it wouldn't look "just like" Flash, because there would have to be
"Update" links to pass info that way, whereas Flash doesn't need those...

Seems like a fairly reasonable way to create a decent "one-page"
application user-interface without Flash...DHTML could be used to create
various areas of an interface that would display updated information when
the info is "invisibly" returned from a query page.

Flash is a required plug-in and DHTML is not the same across all browsers...
Each has its limitations...Flash also requires a whole new language to be

I just hate the thought of having to learn a whole new scripting language...
It seems like everytime I get to the point where I can make money with what
I know
(I'm a self-taught freelancer), something new and better comes along that
much study and practice to put into use before money can be made...

Thoughts anyone?


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