> I believe Flash script is based on the ECMA ??? 

Yes, that's true.

> If you know JS it shouldn't be hard to pick up.

Whoa there!  Not so fast.  The syntax is the same but there are many
concepts in Flash that are foreign to Javascript.  I don't mean to
discourage anyone from learning Actionscript, but it's good to know what
you're getting into.  By the same token, there are many concepts that
can be carried over from Javascript to Actionscript.

As for Rick's questions on Flash Remoting, there are definitely some
differences between creating Flash apps and single-page DHTML apps.
While you could very well make a single-page DHTML app, anyone that has
ever done it knows that it is... well... hell.  Cross-browser issues,
hidden frames, javascript, etc.  Unless you are a Javascript expert, it
really becomes unmanageable.

Flash has it's quirks, but it is definitely easier to maintain than
DHTML.  The other benefit to Flash Remoting is that it is quick and
easy.  It's not as verbose as XML and it's able to handle complex data
types unlike URL strings.

You do have a point that Flash does require a plug-in and for many
people, that's a perfectly good reason why you shouldn't use it.  It
really depends on your audience though.  If you're able to develop for a
corporate intranet, Flash could be perfect.  If you need it for a public
facing web site... well... you may want to wait for a few months.

There will still be a need for HTML based applications for some time.
99% of people can probably develop an HTML based application much faster
than a Flash one and clients usually like to pay less.  <g>  However, I
think that will change in the near future.  There are already people
starting initiatives for Flash application frameworks for rapid app
development so it's only a matter of time.

In any case, if you decide to learn Flash and come across any snags, you
can e-mail the Flashcoders list or you can e-mail me.  I'd be happy to

Good luck.

Ben Johnson
Information Architect
[p] 720.934.2179

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