Hi there,

I have been using Peter Stolz's CF_HTML2EXCEL tag on CF 4.5 with great
success - however on an upgrade on one of our dev boxes I am getting an
error like the following:

Error occured while connected to the Excel object!
Error Details: An exception occurred when executing a Com method.

The Error Occurred in PATH\CustomTags\HTML2Excel.cfm: line 168
Called from PATH\excelreport.cfm: line 374
Called from PATH\excelreport.cfm: line 2164

166 :                         objExcel.Quit();
167 :                     </CFSCRIPT>
168 :                     <CFABORT SHOWERROR="<FONT COLOR='RED'>Error
occured while connected to the Excel object!</FONT><BR>Error Details:
169 :                  </CFCATCH>
170 :                </CFTRY>

<!--------------And at the bottom of the page ------------------->

12:31:36.036 - Object Exception - in PATH\CustomTags\HTML2Excel.cfm : line
    An exception occurred when executing a Com method.

12:31:36.036 - Expression Exception - in PATH\CustomTags\HTML2Excel.cfm :
line 168
    Error occured while connected to the Excel object!Error Details:  An
exception occurred when executing a Com method.

I understand that there are some COM problems in MX but would appreciate any
ideas about this. I have tried to contact Mr Stolz directly but have not
been able to get through to his email address.



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