On Tue, 24 Sep 2002 12:12:41 +0100, in cf-talk you wrote:

>Hi all.
>Here is a problem I have been pulling my hair out over.  I want to do an
>NSLookup directly (ie: no custom tags if it can be avoided) and have tried
>both w3sockets and TCPClient to open the socket but not for love nor money
>can I find the appropriate commands to send.
>I can use either to connect to a POP3 server, login, read mail etc.... but I
>just cant get DNS queries to work.
>Can anyone point me in the correct direction?

How about http://www.intrafoundationcom/freeware.html#cfx_nslookup ?

It's been a while since I've checked but as I recall neither UDPClient
and TCPClient do nslookups. This is, as I recall, the source of the
annoying 30+ second pause sometimes in earlier versions when it could.

The unreleased version 3 of tcpclient has built-in nslookup, but it
may be a very long time before I get back to working on it.


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