Neil, let check and see what I can share. All I feel comfortable saying
right now is that I am _extremely_ happy with what I've seen of the
course - and I do not like 'art junk'. I'll get back with more info if I

Raymond Camden, ColdFusion Jedi Master for Hire

Yahoo IM : morpheus

"My ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is." - Yoda 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Neil Robertson-Ravo =TMM= 
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2002 9:36 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Ben's J2EE Book
> This I have to see.... you say a complete 'novice' at Flash?  Is this
> course only going to cover the basics of Rich Internet apps 
> rather than
> using Flash as it was designed e.g. animation etc...?
> Flash is great tool for some compelling work on the internet, 
> but there
> are also some dreadfully 'the same' apps completed with 
> Flash......Shape
> Tweening/Morphing, crappy music etc...
> Thing is, not everyone is going to be a great Flash programmer, as you
> need to be a good animator, and not everyone falls into this camp.
> I am intriqued to see if can actually indeed allow a novice to build
> 'complete applications'!
> If its good, I suggest getting it on DesDev :-)
> Neil

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