        I've been doing Flash apps for a while now and I wanted to put
in a couple cents to this thread about my experience.  I would like to
agree with Ray and Mike on a lot of their points.  Flash does not
necessarily equal more time.  It has a learning curve no doubt, but so
does HTML/CFML.  If you were a Visual Basic programmer, you might say
"why should I build this application in ColdFusion when it would take me
half the time in Visual Basic?"  We do Flash MX applications exclusively
at my company and our project bids are not higher than the HTML
equivalent and we usually offer more because the Flash interface simply
offers more than HTML/DHTML ever could.

As for animation, I can thankfully say that I have had to do almost zero
tweening in my Flash history.  It simply doesn't apply to applications
for the most part.  Everything is more event based and states are
managed with AS.  Personally, I used the Flash authoring tool like
Visual Basic studio.  If you think of it in that light, it makes much
more sense.  Most of the time, I forget that there's even a timeline in

As for the Macromedia course, however, I would disagree on a few points.
I haven't looked at the course so please correct me if I'm wrong on any
of this.  The course seems to give a good introduction to Flash but the
one serious problem Flash has is that it has no application framework or
standardized methodology for building applications.  For example, Flash
Remoting is great but it won't help you if you can't easily route calls
and callbacks within your application.  There was some work done on this
with the Pet Market application, but there's definitely some quirky
stuff within that application.

Ray or Mike, are there any plans for any "official" methodology or app
framework from Macromedia?

Ben Johnson
Information Architect
[p] 720.934.2179

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