OK, I've made this disclaimer before, but it still applies: I'm really new when it 
comes to CF, so I request that you please keep that in mind as you read this.  I don't 
claim that as an excuse for not searching out the answers on my own, but I've been 
unable to find an explanation of this behavior in the CF docs so far.  So anyway...

I've got this form, and I want to use the selected/input values from the form to call 
a stored procedure that is within a package in an Oracle database for processing.  
But, before passing the values to the database, I want the user to be able to confirm 
the selections that they've made before sending the information to the database.  So, 
at the beginning of the page that displays the form, I check to see if the structure 
is defined, and if it's not, I create it.  (I realize that what you're about to read 
may not make sense if it's not the best way to do this, but it was the only way that I 
could figure out to do it, so this is how it currently works...I'm open to 
suggestions)  So, on the form page, the action is GET, and on the action page, I first 
populate all of the properties of the structure with the URL parameters that have been 
passed from the form, by evaluating their values in the URL.  I then display the users 
selections, by outputting the values of the structure p!
roperties.  All of this to this point works fine.  The fact that it works fine, 
suggests to me that structures reside in memory on the CF server, and can persist 
between templates in an application.  So, based on that assumption, I also assumed 
that the properties of the structure would be available on the NEXT page as well.  The 
action page for the form, has two links at the bottom of it, after all of the values 
that the user has selected are displayed for confirmation...one link is a back button, 
that allows the user to go back to the form and make any necessary corrections to 
their input, and the other is a link to another template that actually process the 
form by passing all of the properties of the structure to the stored procedure in the 
database for processing.  The first thing I do in this template, is check for the 
existence of the structure, to make sure that it's values can be passed to the stored 
procedure.  This is where my problem comes up.  Every time I click!
 the link to go to this template for processing, I get the me!
ssage that gets displayed if the structure does not exist (it's a message that I've 
inserted to let the user know that there was an error, due to the fact that the 
structure cannot be found, and processing cannot continue).  What am I doing wrong?  
Why is the server not finding this structure?  Am I not defining it properly to be 
available across multiple templates or something like that?  Any thoughts would be 
greatly appreciated.  The code for checking for the existence of the structure is 
below.  Thanks in advance.

<cfif not isDefined("myStructure")>
        <p>The structure does not exist.  Blah blah blah.</p>


|| Robert D. Yexley
|| Oracle Programmer/Analyst
|| Northrop Grumman IT
|| Contractor - Wright Research Site MIS
|| Det-1 AFRL/WSI Bldg. 45 Rm. 062
|| (937) 255-1984
|| <)))><

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