I'm getting a few random reports of data loss on an Intranet site and need
to get some input on things I might investigate. I'm unable to replicate the
problem myself and users that report problems can't replicate it for me when
I'm on-site with them.

Here's the setup:

NT4 Server SP5
CF Server Pro v4.5.1
Access 2000 (yes I know, problem #1)
Potential browsers include Netscape v4.6 and IE v5.01

The app is very lightly used averaging 30-40 unique users per day and rarely
more than 4 active sessions at any given time...max I've ever seen is 7.

The page in question contains a few text fields, various radio button fields
and a dozen or so TEXTAREA fields for free-form comments. When users submit
the page it updates the database and does a CFLOCATION to return them to
their homepage. The few problem reports I've gotten have all been
specifically about the Comment fields not containing any data when they
retrieve the form to continue editing it.

A couple of things I'm wondering are:

What, if any, size limit exists within the MS ODBC drivers for Access. I
thought I recalled there being a limit on the amount of data that can be
passed through the ODBC driver but my own tests have shown no total loss of
data when submitting large amounts of text (65,000+). In that case I just
see truncated data in the TEXTAREA fields but not a complete loss of data.

Having scrtached my head all afternoon I'm now wondering if there's a
problem with doing a CFQUERY to Update the database and immediately doing a
CFLOCATION? Any chance that the Update is simply not being processed? In
particular, if an Update were queued due to database connection limits set
in CF Admin would CF Server continue processing the page and execute the
CFLOCATION, dropping the Update all together?

Any other ideas on things I might investigate? All suggestions are



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