Here is the exact code for the link I sent you. Also it seems to be linked
to having (ddd) be the last thing in the format string. One of the
developers said a string like "mm/dd (ddd) yyyy" works. Though I have not
tried that yet.

<CFSET str = dateformat(now(),"mm/dd/yy")>

<CFSET code = '&lt;CFSET str = dateformat(now(),"mm/dd/yy")&gt;'>

Properly Formatted Date without (ddd) mask<BR>



Properly Formatted Date with (ddd) mask<BR>
<CFSET code = '&lt;CFSET str = dateformat(now(),"mm/dd/yy <FONT
<CFSET str = dateformat(now(),"mm/dd/yy (ddd)")><BR>


-----Original Message-----
From: Sean A Corfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2002 9:07 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Possible dateFormat bug in MX? (was: Not Another MX boo boo?

On Wednesday, Oct 9, 2002, at 09:14 US/Pacific, Rob Rohan wrote:
> Error Occurred While Processing Request
> "{ts '2002-10-09 09:12:48'}" is an invalid date format.
> The Error Occurred in D:\http\test\datetest.cfm: line 8
> 6 : </FORM> --->
> 7 :
> 8 : <CFSET str = dateformat(now(),"mm/dd/yy (ddd)")>
> 9 : <CFOUTPUT>#str#</CFOUTPUT><BR>
> 10 : <CFOUTPUT>#dateformat(now(),"mm/dd/yy (ddd)")#</CFOUTPUT>

That's pretty strange. I tried the exact same code and it worked just
fine (I'm running CFMX without the Updater). I tried setting my system
clock to different values and it ran just fine every time. The
timestamp certainly *looks* valid.

Is the rest of your file commented out above this?

Can someone who has the Updater installed try this code please? (Jesse,
Mike, Vern?)

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