Ryan Farrell wrote:

> Basically, this is what I'm doing, which works just fine on a single 
> app server.  Multiple servers would be a problem, though.  Many thanks.
> < cflock timeout="30" name="insertpayment">
>       < cfquery name="inserttrans" datasource="#ds#">
>               insert into tblpayment . . .
>       </ cfquery>
>       < cfquery name="gettrans" datasource="#ds#">
>               select max(transid) as transid from tblpayment
>       </ cfquery>
> </ cflock>

That would require a serializable transaction. Make sure you test that 
your drivers support this correctly. Pseudo code:

<cftransaction isolation="serializable">
   <cfquery name="inserttrans" datasource="#ds#">
     insert into tblpayment . . .
   <cflock timeout="30" name="db" type="readonly">
     <cflock timeout="10" name="db" type="exclusive" throwontimeout="no">
   <cfquery name="gettrans" datasource="#ds#">
     select max(transid) as transid from tblpayment

Starting 2 of these at aproximately the same time will tell you whether 
it works correctly.


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