Here's a side question for you, that I've tried posting before ;-):

Is there a way to find the root of the ColdFusion server?

The majority of our sites are hosted on someone else's box, so we don't
always have access to the CFAdministrator.  We can usually request some
mappings, but it always made more sense for me to add a resources folder to
our website root.  We use Fusebox, so we designate all non-Circuit folders
as a resource folder and prefix with a "_".  Usually we have _images,
_customtags, _pdfs, etc.  It'd be great if I could somehow reference the CF
root with a variable, because I could then I could write a UDF to call my
cfcs as "#cfroot#.mydomin._cfcs.somecfc" but I can't quite figure out how to
do that.  It really would help for portability and reuse, any suggestions

Tyler Silcox

----- Original Message -----
From: "Troy Simpson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 10:24 AM
Subject: Re: Where do CFC's go?

Thanks for describing your layout.  It has been very helpful in providing me
with ideas.
How do (would) you outline the directory structure for multiple websites
that are hosted on one system.

For example:

It appears that ColdFusion was design with the aspect of supporting only one
website instead of many.
This is evident in the ColdFusion Administrator, Server Mappings page.
For example, I'm only allowed to provide one root Mapping for "/" and the
mapping must be unique.

I do understand why though.
Anyone have any ideas how to work around this?


Sean A Corfield wrote:

> On Friday, Oct 25, 2002, at 16:30 US/Pacific, Troy Simpson wrote:
> > I'm using Dreamweaver MX to create some CFC's and trying to figure out
> > how to layout the file system on the ColdFusionMX App server.
> > (FYI:  I'm new at this CFC stuff and Dreamweaver too.)
> > Where am I suppose to copy the CFC's too?
> > I've read various things.
> > Some put them under the wwwroot.
> > Others put them outside the wwwroot and create a mapping.
> If you want to invoke them as Web Services or via Flash Remoting, you
> need to make your CFCs web-accessible. Otherwise, you can put them
> wherever you want.
> Here's what my team does (partial credit to Mike Nimer for the seed of
> this):
>         {cfmx}/
>                 extensions/
>                         components/
>                                 {appname}/
>                                         {file}.cfc
>                         customtags/
>                                 {appname}/
>                                         {file}.cfm
>                         includes/
>                                 {appname}/
>                                         {file}.cfm
>                 wwwroot/
>                         {appname}/
>                                 {file}.cfm
> Where {cfmx} is the install directory, {appname} is an application name
> (e.g., store, membership) and {file} is any filename.
> Then we add these to the custom tag / components path in the CF Admin:
>         {cfmx}/extensions/components/
>         {cfmx}/extensions/customtags/
> And we add a mapping for the includes:
>         /cfinclude      {cfmx}/extensions/includes/
> Typically, each application has an Application.cfm under
> wwwroot/{appname}/ which also cfinclude's /Application.cfm which
> contains our 'global' stuff.
> This is all part of our coding guidelines - but I can't remember
> whether I left this in the public domain version:
> I can't answer your RDS question I'm afraid!
> Sean A Corfield -- Director, Architecture
> Web Technology Group -- Macromedia, Inc.
> tel: (415) 252-2287 -- cell: (415) 717-8473
> fax: (415) 865-3113 --
> An Architect's View --
> Macromedia DevCon 2002, October 27-30, Orlando, Florida
> Architecting a New Internet Experience
> Register today at

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