Oh yeah, I may have slightly misunderstood the last question, so to add:

The way to do this on the form page is this:

<input type="checkbox" name="thisBox" value="1"#iif(Query.thisBox, DE(' 

..since it is a boolean we are using as a value, in the IIF, "1" 
evaluates to "true", and "0" to false.  Thus only "1"s make the checkbox 
be checked.

Randell B Adkins wrote:

>In the database field you can set the value to anything you want,
>however you will need to test for the value to properly
>set the checkboxes on the form to be checked or unchecked.
>CheckBoxField: Value could be "AGREE" or DISAGREE"
>on the Form:
><input type="checkbox" name="abc" value="Agree" <CFIF
>qMyQuery.CheckBoxField EQ 'AGREE'>checked</cfif>>
>>>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/01/02 10:29AM >>>
>When querying a db where some original input fields were check boxes
>were inserted into the db as a binary (yes/no, 1/0, on/off), is the
>only way
>to display a check box on the query page, either checked or unchecked,
>create a form and add an insert field?  If so, I'm having trouble with
>conditional logic.  Is there an approach I'm overlooking.  
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