If you can be 100% sure that there will never be a chance that a single
client will trigger more than one thread, then you are right. But ...

* Frames
* Users hitting refresh on a page before it finishes processing
* Retry attempts

All of those, and more, can indeed cause a situation where there is more
than one active thread per session.

But having said that, you are right. This is obviously a much bigger
potential problem for APPLICATION or SERVER. Except for the fact that
SESSION is likely used and updated more, so it may be a bigger problem
for SESSION after all. :-)

--- Ben

-----Original Message-----
From: Bud [mailto:webcreation@;mindspring.com] 
Sent: Friday, November 01, 2002 1:46 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Understanding Locking In CFMX

On 11/1/02, Ben Forta penned:
>Any application or development language that allows multiple threads to

>access shared data has to deal with it - operating systems do, as do 
>DBMSs, as do development languages. It is not a CF issue at all.

Well, assuming that something like a shopping cart is stored in a 
session variable. Each session should be unique to the user, correct? 
So unless a user has 2 windows opens and clicks View Cart 
simultaneously in one window while clicking Update Cart in the other, 
there shouldn't be a problem, should there? Or without locking, is 
there a chance ColdFusion could read the variable while it's still 
being written.


1. <cfset temp = QuerySetCell(session.cart, "quantity", #form.quantity#,

2. There are <cfoutput>#session.cart.quantity#</cfoutput> items in your

Could Step 2 process before step 1 is finished? I didn't think it could.

That's one reason I could never understand why session locking was 
needed. Application and server variables I understand.

Bud Schneehagen - Tropical Web Creations

ColdFusion Solutions / eCommerce Development [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://www.twcreations.com/ 954.721.3452

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