that makes sense....thank you.


Tony Weeg
Senior Web Developer
Information System Design
Navtrak, Inc.
Fleet Management Solutions

-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Forta [mailto:ben@;] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 3:11 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: cfscript book

I hate to put it this bluntly, but there really is not that much to say
about <CFSCRIPT>. And aside from UDFs (added in CF5 and surpassed by the
tag interface in CFMX) and basic try/catch (added in CFMX but less
powerful than the equivalent tags) <CFSCRIPT> has really not changed
much since it was introduced in CF4. The reason you have not seen
dedicated books on the subject is that it would be hard to fill a book
just on <CFSCRIPT> - you'd need to use tags anyway sooner or later.

--- Ben

-----Original Message-----
From: Massimo, Tiziana e Federica [mailto:massimo@;] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 3:04 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: cfscript book

"Tony Weeg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> so, the question remains, is there one that really goes in depth with 
> cfscript?

Nothing that goes up to the level I would love to see :-(

A few advanced books on CF MX still have to hit the shelves, so maybe
there is still hope, but I always felt cfscript was somewhat neglected
in books...

I know a guy who would love to read a dedicated book on the subject, but
I guess he is busy frying other fishes right now

Massimo Foti
Team Macromedia Volunteer for Dreamweaver

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