When you hit the admin directory listing double click on the coffee cup by
your clock on the taskbar. that might give a bit more info on what is

-----Original Message-----
From: Smith, Matthew P -CONT(DYN) [mailto:Matthew.P.Smith@;cnet.navy.mil]
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 8:43 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: java cfx and administrator woes


the coffee is steaming, so I assume that means I have a good install?


>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Craig Dudley [mailto:craig@;netstep.co.uk]
>>Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 9:51 AM
>>To: CF-Talk
>>Subject: RE: java cfx and administrator woes
>>Your 1st problem sounds like a browser issue, does IE6 have a java
>>plugin installed?
>>Try testing it with other java applets?
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Smith, Matthew P -CONT(DYN) [mailto:Matthew.P.Smith@;cnet.navy.mil]
>>Sent: 13 November 2002 15:32
>>To: CF-Talk
>>Subject: java cfx and administrator woes
>>I'm having a bit of trouble on the java side of things and was hoping
>>someone could help.  Two problems, actually, but I feel they may be
>>so I'll just throw them both out in the hopes that there may be a single
>>solution to both.
>>First, when ever I try to use any of the browse functionality within the
>>administrator, the applet(it is an applet, right?) fails to load and
>>displays an error message within the applet window, something similar to
>>exception: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: netscape/application/Targ(cut
>>can't read)
>>I've posted a screen shot:
>>The problem only occurs in ie (6.0.2600.0000); netscape 4.7 works fine.
>>I'm also having a problem getting cfx_rapidDiet to run as well.  On my
>>install of mx (, it works without problem, but on the cf
>>server, it won't work.
>>java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: rapidDiet. Java exception occurred in
>>to method.
>>I've searched the macromedia forums pretty extensively.  I didn't spot
>>on the administrator problem.  The cfx problem has many posts, but most
>>to be related to proper configuration settings for the jvm and class
>>in administrator, which I think I have.  I've tried just about every
>>permutation, and restarted the service each time to test.
>>Could the two be related?
>>I just installed the latest Java SDK(j2sdk-1_4_0_02-windows-i586.exe),
>>hoping it would help, but no dice.
>>Any suggestions on what to try next?
>>Matthew P. Smith
>>Web Developer, Object Oriented
>>Naval Education & Training Professional
>>Development & Technology Center
>>(850)452-1001 ext. 1245

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